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Aloft Circus Arts

Aloft Circus Arts is a collective of aerialists constructing stories to be performed in the sky.

This campaign has ended, but you can still make donations by visiting this fundraiser's general support page.

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Brave Space goes to Edinburgh

A huge opportunity to expose Brave Space to an international audience in a prestigious venue alongside some of the best circus shows in the world! Help us make this dream come true!

 Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
  • $13,722 raised of $15,000 goal
  • 160 donations
  • -1378710 minutes left
This is a Fiscally-Sponsored Project

Fiscally Sponsored by Fractured Atlas

$15 Gala Tickets for Donors!

Hello lovely and wonderful donors! We are so grateful that you have contributed to our fundraising campaign to take Brave Space to Edinburgh. We are so close to our goal of $15,000 thanks to your kindness, generosity and belief in us! And so, we want to say thank you with an extra perk--$15 tickets (normally $50) to our Gala! 

On July 30th at 8:30, we are having a gala performance of our new and improved Brave Space show before we make our international debut! We will perform the show for you, and then have a wine and hors d'oeuvre reception! Our basement will be transformed into a magical interpretation of our Brave Space Blanket Fort (TM) while students from our professional program delight with hangabouts! The artists from the show will be joining in the fun so you can ask all your burning questions about Brave Space and our nerves going into the Fringe! $15 for all that!?!

We hope you'll join us! Masks are required for the performance, and all windows will be open during the reception, AND we will have seating available in our outdoor courtyard, in case you are more comfortable socializing outside...I know I am!

To get your $15 ticket, just use the promo code DONOR at check out. Tickets are available here! Please note that this is limited to one ticket per donor. If you want to bring a friend we ask that they pay the regular price.

Thank you again for your support and we look forward to showing you our show!

Pick of the Fringe for Circus!!

Hey wow! We are starting to get our first press for the Fringe and we've been chosen as one of the top 10 circus shows happening at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival! Sweeeeeeet news!!!! We can't wait to take the Fringe by storm, and your support is going to make it happen! Thank you so much!

Also, buttons and stickers have been ordered, so those will be heading out to you in July!

Thank you gifts and such.

Hi all! I just wanted to give you generous, kind, good-looking humans an updates on your thank you gifts. Since we will be doing a specific run of the merch to fulfil these gifts, we will send them out when the campaign is over, so we know how much of what to print and don't have a bunch of extra in the end. But, rest assured, you will have your cool, cute shirts and posters and thank you cards and we have not forgotten you! Thank you again for all you have done for us!

We are almost to $10,000!

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Whooohoooo! Thank you all soooo much! We are almost 2/3 of the way to our goal, thanks to you! Honestly, when I set a $15,000 goal I thought I was being a little bit overly optimistic, but you have all pulled through in a really serious way!

So far, with this money we have been able to buy all of our flights to Edinburgh (along with my 250k frequent flyer miles that I have been hoarding for 2 years just for this), AND make the first payment on our marketing package to get our posters up and all over Edinburgh! Oh, and would you like to have a first peek at the posters??? They are amazing and designed by the talented-in-every-way Rachel Karabenick!
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If you donated at the $50 and up level you'll get a signed copy of this beauty!

Can you help us spread the word about our show and fundraiser? You can share this campaign on your social media with a little bit about why you love the show and Aloft! Maybe today we can tip that $10,000 mark? I think we can!

Also, our tickets are on sale now, so if you'll be in Edinburgh, OR if you know anyone who will be, please buy tickets to the show! The more presales we get the more they will realize they have made the best choice of their lives in booking us! They can get tickets here!

Thanks again for your support!

Awesome shirt design!!!

Here we have a sneak peak of the exclusive Brave Space t-shirt available at the "Braver" level of $150 or more! It's pretty cool, if you ask me.
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The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is one of the world's top performing arts marketplaces. It's the place where you go to get your show in front of as many eyes as humanly possible. Venues from around the world send their representatives there to scout shows for their coming seasons. There is every type of performance imaginable--puppet shows, comedy, music, dance, bubble guys--and circus. The shows range from "uuuhhh" to absolutely world class. Anyone can book themselves a venue--or you can be curated through one, which is harder, but gets you more exposure and legitimacy.

Well, our little show has been selected to perform as a part of the Underbelly line up. Underbelly is one of the biggest venues of the Fringe, and its largest, most renowned circus presenter. In the past they have featured companies like Circa, Racehorse Company, Filament, La Clique, Gravity and Other Myths and more. And now...US! ALOFT! BRAVE SPACE! WHAT?!?

This is an incredible opportunity for us to get our show in front of the people who can help us take it to the next level. Reviewers. Presenters. Investors. And, of course, new fans. It's actually an opportunity that we have been waiting for since 2020. See, we were invited then by a different venue, but then...well, you know. And we were afraid that chance had slipped us by, but it turns out everything happens for a reason because being presented by Underbelly will help us make the most out of this chance.

But--and there's always a but--going to the Fringe is wildly expensive. I mean...why-aaald-leeeee. While Underbelly has given us an exceptionally good deal, it's still going to cost actual arms and legs. Really, when I tell you, you might fall down, so just sit.

Our budget for our trip to the Edinburgh Fringe is $45,000.

Now, I don't expect to fundraise that much money. We hope to make $10,000 back over our 20 shows. We've also been squireling little nuts full of money away over the last few years in anticipation of this adventure. And we are working on some paying gigs back in the US that will make up some of the loss. So, we have a cushion. But, if we can make $15,000 through fundraising, it will really help us focus on just doing a good show and not worrying so much about the bottom line.

Why so expensive? Well, here is a breakdown:
Performer Payroll is #1: $14,000
Flights: $6000 (though reduced by airline miles)
Cargo: $1500
Per diem: $2100
Housing: $13,000 (I know.)
Promotion: $2500

Touring this show in the times of a pandemic has been challenging, but we've been committed to keeping the dream alive. Whatever you can do to help us bring this show to an international audience will mean so so very much to us. Thank you so much, from the bottom of our Brave hearts.




Donate $100.00 or more

Amount over $30.00 is tax-deductible.

You are Brave! At this level you get everything from the lower levels, PLUS a "Lift Each Other Up" print and...and this is a good"ll get to join us virtually for one of our shows from the Fringe!
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Donate $25.00 or more

Amount over $5.00 is tax-deductible.

At this level you'll get everything at the Kindness level, plus a button from the Busy Beaver Button Company and a shoutout in an Instagram story!


Donate $50.00 or more

Amount over $7.00 is tax-deductible.

At this level you get all the great stuff from the Kindness and Trustworthiness levels, but you ALSO get a Brave Space Tour poster signed by the cast! 


Donate $75.00 or more

Amount over $15.00 is tax-deductible.

Here you will get everything at the lower levels, PLUS a thank you video recorded just for you from the Fringe, AND a private link to view our daily webisodes as we prepare and go to the Fringe! This one is really good!


Donate $150.00 or more

Amount over $55.00 is tax-deductible.

In addition to all the other great perks at the lower levels you'll get a limited edition Brave Space T-shirt only available through this fundraising campaign!
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Donate $250.00 or more

Amount over $75.00 is tax-deductible.

At this amazing, level you are really lifting us up! You get all the things from the lower levels, but you will also get an exclusive signed Brave Space photo book, filled with vibrant, beautiful photos from the show, quotes from the press and more. This won't be available anywhere else and we are making enough just for our special donors at this level.

Epic Hero Level Human

Donate $500.00 or more

Amount over $100.00 is tax-deductible.

At our highest level you get everything! I mean, even the most special place in our hearts. You're basically covering a plane ticket! So, in exchange you get all the perks PLUS an invitation to our special post-Edinburgh event "Brave Taste". This is an exclusive dinner for only 30 guests, cooked by the cast and served in our tent! Following the meal, which you'll enjoy with the cast members we will present a slide show and tell stories about out trip!