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Arka Kinari

A multimedia performance shared from the deck of a traditional schooner ship, toured by the wind.

This campaign has ended, but you can still make donations by visiting this fundraiser's general support page.

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Arka Kinari: A Floating Multimedia Performance by Filastine & Nova

Subversive, immersive and partially submerged, a performance shared from the deck of a historic schooner ship to sound the alarm on climate change, toured sustainably by sail.

 Any Port, The Sea, Indonesia
  • $17,796 raised of $55,000 goal
  • 119 donations
  • -2924357 minutes left
This is a Fiscally-Sponsored Project

Fiscally Sponsored by Fractured Atlas

Launched and Sailing!

This message was sent by email directly to all backers one week ago. It is reposted here in case the  message was caught in a spam filter. Thanks and sorry for the redundancy if this reaches you twice!


Improbably, near impossibly, it really happened. We've refitted a massive steel sailing ship into a stage, created and tested a performance, and already sailed from the North Sea to North Africa.

Sorry for the radio silence about after the funding campaign ended. It all happened so fast... in the same week the crowdfunding ended the performance was tested for the first time,  the ship renamed (ritually and legally), and the nine-month journey from the Netherlands to Indonesia was launched. We sailed at midnight directly after the first show, rushing to catch some unusual good weather in the English channel, lashing the equipment traveling downriver from the the port of Rotterdam to greet the sea at dawn. We haven't stopped sailing or working furiously since. A lot of shit breaks on an old ship that hasn’t been on the sea for some years, especially in big seas, and we had a tough crossing of the Bay of Biscay. Now we know what weather the ship can handle, and honestly it is more than expected.


Arka Kinari will not have project-specific social media accounts. This is about tactile relationships to nature and people in physical space. Just as we aim to cull fossil fuels from our practice we also aim to reduce our dependency of the toxic internet giants. We’ll share via our existing accounts on social media, but we’d really prefer you check out the images, videos and long-form stories which will be posted to our ship’s blog. Yes, a blog, vintage indie internet! It’s all part of the new Arka Kinari website .

** YOUR REWARDS (reminder: unless you made multiple donations it's just one of the below, the one you chose at the time)
* Visit/Stay. The website features a calendar indicating where Arka Kinari will be in the coming year, and a realtime tracker of the showing the ship’s exact location at any moment.  If your donation award involves a visit (dinner, overnight, or week) please use these tools to plan a rendezvous and correspond with us at arkakinaricrew(at)gmail(dot)com
* Name on the mast. The ship will be painted in October by the visual genius Shrine. Once done we’ll put the names/phrases on the base of mast of those of you that chose that reward, and send y’all a foto. If you want something other than your name written, send the request to arka(dot)kinari(at)gmail(dot)com, just keep it shorter than a haiku.
* The merchandise reward stuff will comes in early 2020. We have your postal address already via Kickstarter/Fractured Atlas. Notify us at ( if you change residence in the meantime.
* The anchors names are Gladys and Whaya. Big thanks to the family and friends who bought those ‘naming rights’. Photos of the named anchors will be sent and shared after the October painting.
* The download codes for our back catalogue should have arrived as a personal email already. If you didn't get that mail in the last 24hrs please check your spambox to make sure it wasn't mis-filtered.
* Pre-release of new music will come in an email towards the end of this year.

** £00T

You might wonder how we pulled this off when we barely reached 50% of the funding goal. Nobody's been paid (yet), not even the puny symbolic fees that were planned in the budget. The video projection area was scaled down to use consumer-grade projectors. And there is about $10k in credit card debt still pending.  Honestly, without the big donations from Kindle Project ( and Arka Kinari might be dead in the water. For now there is just enough financial wind in the sails to keep this ship moving forward, but at least momentum is on our side, and it should be easier to find grants and sponsors with something already made.


We perform (on land) in Festival l'Boulevard in Casablanca this week, then sail to the Canary Islands to share Arka Kinari in the port of Santa Cruz on October 4th. The rest of October we'll be in the Canaries preparing for the big ocean crossing, and could use some more hands.
Sailor recruitment (skippers, engineers)
Skilled tradesfolk recruitment (welders, electricians, carpenters, tailors)

** WHY

One of the big motivations behind Arka Kinari is to abandon the carbon economy, to create a living example of how to move through this world without destroying it. While we've been slowly sailing towards Asia the wunderkid Greta Thunberg did a very well publicized crossing of the Atlantic by sailboat to deliver a tongue-lashing to the US Congress and the United Nations. We can only hope this becomes more of a trend. The movement she started has grown and expanded into tomorrow's (Friday 20 Sept) massive Global Climate Strike. Get on it.

Thanks again for your help, every donation was absolutely crucial. Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Grey Filastine
for Arka Kinari
from Salé, Morocco

Arka- (Latin) vessel, repository, from arcēre, meaning “to hold off or defend”
Kinari- (Sanskrit)  a half-human, half-bird musician, guardian of the tree of life

Arka Kinari is a multimedia performance staged from the deck of a traditional sailing ship, using live music and cinematic visuals to imagine life after the carbon economy, resilience to climate change, and re-engagement with the last great commons- the  sea.

Filastine & Nova’s mix of traditional Javanese melodies, hypnotic polyrhythms and contemporary electronic music propel a 75min performance. The two musicians and two assisting performers make use of the ship, elements of the waterfront and the water itself as stage and scenography.
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The Indonesia Voyage
Until seafaring was bypassed by shipping containerization and air travel, the maritime network was how culture and ideas were spread- the original internet. In Southeast Asia memes from across the oceans were transmitted through wayang kulit: live music & shadow-puppetry. Arka Kinari continues in this tradition, but with an updated toolkit.
From June 2020 Arka Kinari will begin “slow touring” across the Indonesian archipelago, moving by sail between port cities and villages, docking at public waterfronts to share with audiences observing from hard ground. Arka Kinari focuses on Indonesia because it is a frontline in the battle of ideas, ground zero for resource extraction, and currently one of the biggest sources of plastic pollution. It is a place where a difference can be made, and the artists are uniquely positioned to make that difference. 
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The Whole Picture
2018: Research. Research. Research.
√  Scouted ports across the world
√  Inspected twenty ships in as many countries to select the right vessel
√  Interviewed the crews of other floating cultural projects
√  Interviewed captains, naval architects & engineers
√  Visited the Bugis shipwrights in Sulawesi, Indonesia
√  Digging in the crates at maritime libraries from Singapore to Amsterdam
2019: Creation. Production. Trial.
√  Jan - Feb: Music composition & Script Development (Barcelona, ES)
√  Mar-Apr: Ship purchase & logistics (Rotterdam, NL)
√  May:  Script Workshop  (New York, NY)
  • June-July: Technical installation (Rotterdam, NL)
  • August: Rehearsals (Portugal)
  • September-October: testing & trial performances (Morocco, Canary Islands)
  • November- May: sailing to Asia
2020: Indonesia
2021: Pacific Asia
2022: Indian Ocean & Southern Africa
2023: Mediterranean

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...---... SOS ...---...
The ship is already purchased and waiting to be transformed.
Future tours will be funded by gig fees and regional funding.
We need your support to produce the performance. You'll be financing the creative and technical work spanning the rest of 2019: the installation of the sound system, lighting and video gear, the carpentry, welding, and wiring, the travel and survival costs for our team.
Creating Arka Kinari is like building both a theater and a show at the same time, but designed for the challenging conditions of the sea, and produced for less than either would normally cost.
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The Crew
Music & Concept: Filastine (Spain/USA) & Nova (Indonesia) work across music, video, design and geography to manifest an alternative vision of the possible. The duo have toured continuously for the last decade, sharing “powerfully political and distinctly global music” (-NPR) at international festivals like Sonar, Decibel, Les Vieilles Charrues, Mutek Japan, Transmediale Berlin and Sydney Festival. Filastine & Nova often work in public space, through architectural video mapping, swarm-sound direct actions, and free outdoor performances in unexpected places. In 2018 they collaborated on “Liminality” at the Sociéte des Arts Technologies in Montreal and “xhe” at Esplanade Theater in Singapore. Nova is a community organizer in the artivist networks of equatorial Asia, working with organizations like EngageMedia, 350, and Greenpeace. Her maternal family is Bugis, the seafaring tribe who inspired the term “boogie man” for piracy during the colonial era. Filastine’s long history of mixing environmental advocacy, art and activism includes water-borne projects like the Sea Shepherd and Swoon’s floating installations.
Technical Production: Adria Pinar, Deden Bulqini
Wardrobe Design: Ican Harem
Video Production: Pilou, Rahadyan Amandita, Nova Ruth Setyaningtyas, Miki Videocratz
Consulting Directors: Jeff Stark, John Jordan (Lab of Insurrectionary Imagination)
Consulting Installation Lighting: Eloi Maduell (Playmodes)
Consulting Sailors: Margaret Ahab (captain of Drummer), Arjen Van Der Veen (captain in Tres Hombres Shipping), Rudi Mintarto (owner of Pinisi Pusaka), Blair Stafford (1st mate of Sea Shepherd Martin Sheen), Matello (captain of L’alliance), Yann Martinie (owner of Nataraja)
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(Filastine & Nova, Drapetomania live in Köln, video still)
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(by Ican Harem, wardrobe)

Prefer to give time instead of money? Volunteer below
A journey of a thousand nautical miles begins with a single spreadsheet-
Sailor recruitment (skippers, engineers) 
Skilled tradesfolk recruitment (welders, electricians, carpenters, sound system, stagehand) 



Your Name or Your Choice of a Short Phrase Will Be Scratched onto the Mast

Donate $25.00 or more

Amount is fully tax-deductible.

Your name, your nickname, a motto or pithy phrase scratched onto the mast. And you'll get a photo of this vandalism by email. 

Arka Kinari Logo Embroidered Patch

Donate $20.00 or more

Amount over $5.00 is tax-deductible.

High quality embroidered patch. Sew it on a hat, backpack, jacket, or use it to mend a hole in your pants.
Fulfilled by the end of 2019.

Sneaky Pre-Release of New Music by Filastine & Nova

Donate $20.00 or more

Amount over $5.00 is tax-deductible.

You will be the first to hear & download the new music composed for Arka Kinari. Expect a download code in your email inbox before the public album release sometime in 2020.

A Visit and Meal Aboard the Ship

Donate $55.00 or more

Amount over $10.00 is tax-deductible.

Come onboard for a personal tour of the ship and share a meal with the crew, wherever you can rendezvous with Arka Kinari in port. See the historic pilot-house, explore above and below deck, visit the fascinating engine room, get stuffed with good food.
A weblink showing the realtime position of the ship will be provided, and longterm future routes will be published on all social media platforms. Schedule via email. Getting to/from the ship’s location is on your own dime of course

Download the Entire Filastine & Nova Musical Catalogue

Donate $100.00 or more

Amount over $20.00 is tax-deductible.

You’ll get a code to download all seven albums on Bandcamp, your choice of quality MP3, WAV.
Fulfilled immediately.

Arka Kinari Hoodie (Hooded Sweatshirt)

Donate $100.00 or more

Amount over $20.00 is tax-deductible.

Inspired by dazzle camouflage. Hide in plain sight.
Fulfilled in spring 2020.

Overnight Visit Aboard the Ship

Donate $150.00 or more

Amount over $40.00 is tax-deductible.

Come onboard for a personal tour of the ship, and stay overnight (in port). Includes dinner and breakfast with the crew. See the historic pilot-house, explore above and below deck, visit the fascinating engine room, get stuffed with good food.
A weblink showing the realtime position of the ship will be provided, and longterm future routes will be published on all social media platforms. Schedule via email. Getting to/from the ship’s location is on your own dime of course

Name the Small Anchor

Donate $700.00 or more

Amount is fully tax-deductible.

Name it after yourself, your nickname, your pet's name, or a motto. The anchor will be painted with these words, and shall forever after be called this name.
The anchor doesn't have as much visibility as the dinghy, but the name will be shouted a lot between the sailors  "drop (your name)", or "pull up (your name)"
As the sole sponsor of a massive anchor keeping us safe, you will have the perfect excuse to get that anchor tattoo you've always dreamed about.

Voyage Onboard the Ship for Up to One Week

Donate $750.00 or more

Amount over $150.00 is tax-deductible.

Bed, all meals, and plenty of adventure provided for up to a week. Although equipped with snorkels, a kayak and other fun, Arka Kinari is a working boat, and visitors will be invited to participate in sailing, cooking, etc. Be part of an expedition not an instagram vacation.
A weblink showing the realtime position of the ship will be provided, and longterm future routes will be published on all social media platforms. Schedule via email. Getting to/from the ship’s location is on your own dime of course

Name the Dinghy

Donate $1,500.00 or more

Amount is fully tax-deductible.

The dinghy is the little boat that moves the crew to shore while under anchor, and does a thousand other tasks- this little boat gets a lot of use and visibility. The name you choose will be stenciled onto the dinghy, the name can be silly or serious, but please nothing corporate and nothing that will get the crew arrested.

Name will be kept for at least one year, and may stick forever if we like it.

Fully Claimed!

Name the Big Anchor

Name it after yourself, your nickname, your pet's name, or a motto. The big anchor will be painted with these words, and shall forever after be called this name.
The anchor doesn't have as much visibility as the dinghy, but the name will be shouted a lot between the sailors  "drop (your name)", or "pull up (your name)"
As the sole sponsor of a massive anchor keeping us safe, you will have the perfect excuse to get that anchor tattoo you've always dreamed about.