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Scranton Fringe Festival
Thriving on bold, unique and original performing arts. SCRANTON, PA (U.S.A)
Scranton Fringe - End of Year 2024
Scranton Fringe Festival
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Donate $10.00 or more
Amount is fully tax-deductible.
1 claimed
Every donation to Scranton Fringe makes you a supporter - not just of our work, but of the creative work of so many talented artists & cultural producers across NEPA!
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Must be at least $10.00
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Donate $25.00 or more
Amount is fully tax-deductible.
3 claimed
By becoming an advocate of Scranton Fringe, you are ensuring talented local artists are paid to teach special workshops and help us provide vital services to the cultural community of NEPA.
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Must be at least $25.00
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Donate $100.00 or more
Amount is fully tax-deductible.
2 claimed
By donating $100 (or more), you are becoming a champion of the arts in Northeast PA! This level of support helps us cover operational costs such as storage, hosting our website, and giving our volunteers the resources they need!
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Must be at least $100.00
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