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ENOUGH! Plays to End Gun Violence

A campaign of theatre activism for TEENS to confront GUN VIOLENCE by creating new works of theatre.

This campaign has ended, but you can still make donations by visiting this fundraiser's general support page.

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#ENOUGH: Plays to End Gun Violence

Help America's playwrights of tomorrow discover and develop their voices today!

 Chicago, IL, US
  • $10,458 raised of $15,000 goal
  • 145 donations
  • -2223193 minutes left
This is a Fiscally-Sponsored Project

Fiscally Sponsored by Fractured Atlas


We did it! Though we didn't reach our goal, we raised over $10,000 which will be HUGE for us as we plan for #ENOUGH Round 2. Thank you for your support!

We also wanted to share with you what #ENOUGH has meant to our playwrights, and why your gift is so impactful. Click over to this YouTube playlist to hear from our playwrights about what #ENOUGH has meant for them. Each video is under a minute - definitely worth your time!

A few quick things:

- The anthology of the #ENOUGH plays will be published by Playscripts in Spring of 2021. Those who will be receiving a physical or digital copy, or other rewards besides thank you notes, will be delivered it ASAP once the plays are published.

- Though our campaign has ended, any future support is greatly appreciated. Those interested in continuing to support us or would like to share that opportunity with others, can do so through a donation to our General Support fund.

Thank you for your generosity, your kindness, and your belief in this project. Have a wonderful and safe holiday season. I look forward to reconnecting with you again in the new year!


Michael Cotey
#ENOUGH Producer


Adelaide, Eislinn, Azya, Debkanya, Olivia, Sarah, and Elizabeth above represent the bold, brave voices of the future of American theatre. Earlier this year each of them answered #ENOUGH: Plays to End Gun Violence call for teen writers to confront gun violence by creating new works of theatre that will spark critical conversations and incite meaningful action in communities across the country. Award-winning playwrights including Lauren Gunderson, David Henry Hwang, Tarell Alvin McCraney, Robert Schenkkan and Karen Zacarías chose their plays out of our 184 submissions. 

Each of their plays are thought-provoking, audacious, vital, and deserving of an audience, which they will receive! Their plays will be:

Not only have these young playwrights received an opportunity that most writers dream of, but their plays will impact countless lives as the catalyst for necessary conversations about gun violence.

Your generous donation of any amount will help us support these inspiring young playwrights and affect the lives of thousands of others all across the country!

For specifics of how we will spend these funds - and learn more about this exciting and moving event - please, visit us at or contact us:


“I’m an El Pasoan. I know firsthand about the ways an act of gun violence can ripple through a community. I am also a theatremaker, and I saw #ENOUGH as my opportunity to use my art to help convey to others a glimpse of what gun violence can do to not only a community at large, but also an individual.”  - Demian, 12th grade

I founded #ENOUGH on the belief that young people like Demian can become powerful activists through the art they create.  #ENOUGH launched in 2019 shortly after the consecutive mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton. By then I had already witnessed a powerful youth movement emerge shortly after the senseless shooting in Parkland the year prior. March for Our Lives, Students Demand Action and other activist groups were organized, passionate, and rightfully angry. Young people took to the streets (and continue to do so) to manifest the change they wanted to see in the world while policymakers continuously failed to rise to the challenge. 

I was inspired. The purpose of #ENOUGH became clear: lend our stages to amplify this growing voice so that it continues to be heard. 
This generation has proven themselves to be the generation of empathy, justice, and equity - everything the theatre celebrates. Their voice and perspective are what we desperately need to be listening to, both in society and in the theatre. #ENOUGH's mission is to promote playwriting as a tool for self-expression and social change, harnessing this generation's spirit of activism and providing a platform for America's playwrights of tomorrow to discover and develop their voices today.

- Michael Cotey, #ENOUGH founder and producer



Educational Champion

Donate $1,000.00 or more

Amount over $320.00 is tax-deductible.

Do something for the educators out there that you care about! Donate at this level for a K-12 educator you want to champion and encourage to participate in next year's #ENOUGH call for submissions. The teacher your supporting will receive the following:

1. Ten (10) physical copies of the #ENOUGH Anthology.

2. Ten (10) digital copies of ENOUGH IS ENOUGH by Michelle Roehm McCann, a guidebooks for student activism.

3. A one-year subscription to Broadway on Demand's Broadway Access Pro, which contains 250 episodes of educational programming including dance instruction, acting, producing and directing classes, audition technique, accent courses, business coaching, performer fitness programs and more.

4. AND a 90 minute workshop on getting started with their #ENOUGH plays, taught virtually.

You can choose the teacher OR we can!

Thank You!

Donate $10.00 or more

Amount is fully tax-deductible.

You'll get a shout out on our social media and you'll be added to a special thank you list that will appear on #ENOUGH's website as a member of our Founders' Circle!

Signed Thank You Note

Donate $25.00 or more

Amount is fully tax-deductible.

For $25 not only will you get a shout out online, but you'll receive a signed thank you note from producer Michael Cotey!

Digital Download of the #ENOUGH Anthology

Donate $50.00 or more

Amount over $10.00 is tax-deductible.

For $50 you'll receive all of the above + a digital version of the #ENOUGH Anthology published by Playscripts. Plus you're name will be immortally recorded in a special thanks section in the credits of the Broadway on Demand broadcast and in the published copy of the #ENOUGH Anthology .

Physical Copy of the #ENOUGH Anthology

Donate $100.00 or more

Amount over $10.00 is tax-deductible.

For $100 you'll receive all of the above: but instead of a digital copy the #ENOUGH Anthology, you'll receive a PHYSICAL copy. Plus you're name will be immortally recorded in a special thanks section in the credits of the Broadway on Demand broadcast and in the published copy of the #ENOUGH Anthology .

Receive a thank you from one of our playwrights AND wear your #ENOUGH support!

Donate $200.00 or more

Amount over $30.00 is tax-deductible.

At this level: You'll get your copy of the play, you'll get your shout outs - but you'll also get a sweet #ENOUGH t-shirt AND a note of thanks from one of our amazing young playwrights!

Get access to some world class theatre with Steppenwolf Now!

Donate $350.00 or more

Amount over $100.00 is tax-deductible.

Not only will you get everything from the above levels, but you'll receive a pass to Steppenwolf Now, a new virtual programming stream featuring breakthrough stories written by America’s most talented voices, spotlighting the nation’s premier ensemble theatre and available anywhere in the world!

Play Sponsorship

Donate $500.00 or more

Amount over $10.00 is tax-deductible.

Those who donate at this level will sponsor one of our young playwrights and their play directly. Your sponsorship will be noted on our website and in publication with a "Sponsored by" credit. You will also receive a physical copy of the #ENOUGH Anthology signed by your playwright (deliverable in 2021).

Fully Claimed!

Sponsor playwright Olivia Ridley!

Olivia's play GHOST GUN  the character Black Boy, propelled by his own decay and desperate to be heard, confronts the audience in this commanding monologue. Your donation will directly pay for Olivia's stipend. Your sponsorship will be noted on our website and in publication. You will also receive a physical copy of the #ENOUGH Anthology signed with a note from Olivia (deliverable in 2021). Plus you'll have the satisfaction of knowing the impact you're making on this young writer's life! 

Sponsor playwright Azya Lyons!

Azya's play TOGETHA is a beautiful and heart-wrenching play about four young Black women on the cusp of adulthood and moving on from their neighborhood. Your donation will directly pay for Azya's stipend. Your sponsorship will be noted on our website and in publication. You will also receive a physical copy of the #ENOUGH Anthology signed with a note from Azya (deliverable in 2021). Plus you'll have the satisfaction of knowing the impact you're making on this young writer's life! 

Sponsor playwright Adelaide Fisher!

Adelaide's play MS. MARTIN'S MALAISE is an eye-opening look into the way the stress and anxiety over gun violence weighs on our educators. Your donation will directly pay for Adelaide's stipend. Your sponsorship will be noted on our website and in publication. You will also receive a physical copy of the #ENOUGH Anthology signed with a note from Adelaide (deliverable in 2021). Plus you'll have the satisfaction of knowing the impact you're making on this young writer's life! 

Sponsor playwright Eislinn Gracen!

Eislinn's play GUNS IN DRAGONLAND bravely tackles the brutal loss of innocence when gun violence impacts our youth. Your donation will directly pay for Eislinn's stipend. Your sponsorship will be noted on our website and in publication. You will also receive a physical copy of the #ENOUGH Anthology signed with a note from Eislinn (deliverable in 2021). Plus you'll have the satisfaction of knowing the impact you're making on this young writer's life!