Fractured Atlas Sign in/up

Homo Veritas Dance Theatre

Help us tell The Bastard's Tale!!

We are working on our next performance:

The Bastard's Tale - a 3-act story ballet to Viking folk metal music!

...and we need your help to make it possible.
Your tax-deductible donation will help us pay for all of the expenses that go into a large-scale performance like this, from rehearsal and performance space, to costumes, to - above all else - paying our dancers.
Thank you for your interest in HVDT and our work, and we are truly grateful for your support!

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  • $

Must be at least $25.00

Must be at least $50.00

Must be at least $100.00

Must be at least $250.00

Must be at least $500.00

Must be at least $1,000.00

Must be at least $2,500.00

Must be at least $5,000.00