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individual artist career development

Kitty Brazelton - composer, musicmaker

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Essential Prayers Project: Winter Crowdfunding Campaign: 10 spring concerts for $10k

Essential Prayers sings 10 house concerts in spring 2020

 New York City and upstate, Western Mass, Vermont, Connecticut, Maine and eastern Mass, NY, US
  • $10,647 raised of $10,000 goal
  • 46 donations
  • -2712495 minutes left
This is a Fiscally-Sponsored Project

Fiscally Sponsored by Fractured Atlas

The Essential Prayers Project offers familiar prayer set with new music. Prayers, not for religion or god, but because they are communications between humans about what's important, sometimes across great distances of time and culture.

A cappella, acoustic, simple. We want to sing small. Small, personal audiences in small, personal settings. Homes. Unique. Individual. As our music. We want our audiences to help us create our event together. Whether singing or listening, every individual in the room is "heard."
We want these concerts to be available to all our guests free. After singing we pass the hat. We want the donation to be a personal choice, not a required amount. Then we eat and talk. Together.

I, Kitty Brazelton, am the composer and initiator. This fall, our house concerts have been everything I hoped for. They've done what I think is so radical in our time—to value each of our selves. Each one has cost me—for my musicians' salaries in the main, for food for some, and travel and accommodations for another— on average $1000. 

We have 12 invitations for spring 2020—in upstate New York, Vermont, Western Mass, Connecticut, Cape Cod, Maine and further to Chicago, Austin TX, Virginia, Seattle, Florida and nearer, hometown NYC. We will work out the feasibility and choose 10. Group them geographically and time-wise into a clusters of 2-3 on a weekend run-out. 3-4 weekends and my musicians are safely back home to their day jobs here in the city.

I am asking for your participation in "Essential Prayers sings 10 house concerts in spring 2020" campaign, so that we can continue this vital person-by-person, concert-by-concert, home-by-home process.


Essential Prayers Songbook (digital copy)

Donate $75.00 or more

Amount over $56.00 is tax-deductible.

A digital book of scores for all 8 prayers Essential Prayers performs. Accompanied by links to videos of their performance for reference.

Sit in on an Essential Prayers Rehearsal

Donate $500.00 or more

Amount is fully tax-deductible.

Our rehearsals take place at Kitty Brazelton's apartment in the East Village of New York City. If you choose this option, we will make available our rehearsal schedule so that you can choose which date works for you. We reserve the right to let you know if that date works for us or not. 
We usually rehearse for two and a half hours, we ask you to come for one hour of that length. You can tell us which hour is convenient and we will plan rehearsal accordingly. While you visit, we invite you to share snacks with us when we take our mid-rehearsal break.

Commission an a cappella setting of the prayer of your choice from composer Kitty Brazelton

Donate $5,000.00 or more

Amount over $3,000.00 is tax-deductible.

A choral commission can be risky and it can be rewarding. No guarantees. I caution you to undertake this only after you've really thought about it. I am always open to setting new prayers but it takes me time. And sometimes I don't get the hoped for results. At first. It took me 8 years to set the Lord's Prayer for instance, but only a few days to set the Carol: Puer natus in Bethlehem. Why is a mystery. If you choose to go in this adventure with me, I'd love to have you.