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MilkyWay Theatre Company

We bring together stars from all corners of our galaxy to create new theatre. Let them shine!

This campaign has ended, but you can still make donations by visiting this fundraiser's general support page.

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The First Annual New Works Festival

We at MilkyWay Theatre Company have a passion for bringing new artists to the forefront and guiding collaboration to create something beautiful. Let the unseen stars in our galaxy shine bright!

  • $8,615 raised of $10,000 goal
  • 30 donations
  • -1100021 minutes left
This is a Fiscally-Sponsored Project

Fiscally Sponsored by Fractured Atlas

Masked the Musical Rehearsal Video

Thank you for all your help! We appreciate so much!

A new poster for Masked: the Musical

And so below, you'll find a sneak peak of our first rehearsal we had last week before Masked: the Musical performs at Theatre 71 this Thursday at 7pm.

Come see the show if you have the chance. This is the link for tickets:

Thank you again for EVERYTHING and we can't wait to show you the other projects coming up later this month!

The American I.D. Channel: Vol. One by Mx. Hasberry
A New Poster for The American ID Channel: Vol. 1
Performs on Friday, January 20th at 7:30pm at the Bernie Wohl Center at the Goddard Riverside Community Center
Get your tix here:

Ellipses by David Quang Pham
A New Poster for ELLIPSES
Performs on Thursday, January 26th at 7:30pm at Theatre 71
Get your tix here:

Milky Way Theatre Company is a New York City based theatre company that aims to bring together stars from all corners of our galaxy and create theatre that speaks to our shared humanity. This upcoming January we're producing THREE new works for The First Annual New Works Festival:

Masked: The Musical  by Tianna Davis
Ellipses  by David Quang Pham
The American I.D. Channel: Vol. One  by Mx. Hasberry. 

New Works Festival Line-up (left to right): Ellipses, Masked: the Musical, and The American I.D. Channel: Vol. 1

Our goal is to raise $10,000 to cover rehearsal and performance spaces as well as paying our production teams, actors, props, costumes, COVID safety, etc. Rehearsal spaces add up very quickly already, but good quality performance spaces are hard to find, so raising this money is instrumental. At MilkyWay, we value every member of our teams and we would love to be able to pay every person who collaborates with us, and this is the first step to that goal. Every director, stage manager, music director, general crew member, orchestrator, musician, and actor works so incredibly hard to successfully put together a show, let alone 3 different shows, so it's an honor to support our family of artists any way we can. 

We're so excited to offer this opportunity to our 3 playwrights because we recognize that there's so many artists who create fantastic work, but just don't have the funds to put it up on its feet. That's why we are committed to working our hardest to make it happen. And YOU play a HUGE part in that. So thank you for supporting us and please DONATE to help us produce new art in NYC. Please also SHARE our project with everyone you know!

Masked, the Musical by Tianna Davis:

Tianna Davis

I am 22 years old, and I am a proud Caribbean-American born to a mother from St. Thomas, U.S.V.I. and a father from Trinidad. Growing up in Broward County, Florida and New York City, I was immersed in a rich culture. I am a composer, lyricist, librettist, dancer, actor, singer, choreographer, and everything in between. I thrive on individuality, and I believe that being a leader is very important. I wrote Masked: The Musical because I wanted to tell stories that are never told, and I wanted to tell stories that are rarely given a spotlight. I want people to understand what it feels like to conform for others and question why society forces us to do so. I am so excited to be revealing my musical for the first time with the Milky Way Theatre Company! And thank you to the donors for your support. Enjoy!

The American I.D. Channel: Vol. One by Mx. Hasberry:

Mx. Hasberry

I am Hasberry (a.k.a Mx. Hasberry), and I am a twenty year old writer and performer from Long Island, NY; currently attending university in Georgia. I started writing this play back in April of 2022, and since then have gained so much insight on the power that theatre can possess. I began my process by conducting interviews of American citizens/residents living around me. I then turned those interviews into monologues and scenes to try to investigate what our communal identity is as Americans. This has also been what excites me most about being able to bring this play to life. Because I get to share people’s viewpoints in a way in which the audience can understand and empathize with, and art that aims to do that should be seen and discussed by humans alike and unalike. If you have the funds, please donate in support of our project, to help bring to life my own and many other Americans perspectives on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness in the modern day colonies.

Ellipses by David Quang Pham:

David Quang Pham

I am David, a composer-playwright who writes musicals that personify science. My academic background is in astrophysics, so I have long looked to humanize the galaxies that I have researched. My musical ELLIPSES packs many coming-of-age themes from family dynamics, parenthood, mortality, and the passage of time. I hope teens and adults walk away with an understanding - on a grander scale - that galaxy formations are truly human development and a growing family. We are all Galaxies. My revisions are based on rehearsal feedback and responses, so the collaboration is what engages and excites me.



Stick to the Status Quo

Donate $250.00 or more

Amount is fully tax-deductible.

No, no, no, noooooooooooooooo
Stick to the stuff you know
If you wanna be cool
Folllow one simple rule
Don't mess with the flow, oh no
Stick to the status quooooooooooooo!

For helping us break free, you get the chance to be one of the FIRST humans to hear these 3 new works at our first table reads with our casts, as well as all previous rewards.

So thank you and we hope to see you soon

... (Ellipses)

Donate $10.00 or more

Amount is fully tax-deductible.

... Science is awesome, and one of our shows talks all about the Big Bang! That dog named "Gravity" is so adorable and we can't wait to show you all the work they put into being so cute.

For your contribution, we'll shout you out on our social media for being like science. AWESOME.

Thank you so much for your donation, it means the world.

The Mask

Donate $25.00 or more

Amount is fully tax-deductible.

All projects start with an idea! When you add a team of talented, passionate human beings to create magic, that's when that idea becomes a reality.

For your contribution, you will get a social media shoutout and receive a limited edition, HD, digital Project Poster!

Thank you for your support, it helps us create a better reality.

You're an... ALIEN?

Donate $50.00 or more

Amount is fully tax-deductible.

Do you believe in aliens? We certainly do, with a galactic name like MilkyWay Theatre Company, we HAVE to. :)

Like with The Mask, you will receive a limited edition, HD, digital Project Poster, as well as your choice of a new digital show poster! You will also receive a social media shoutout.

Thank you for joining us in our exploration into the deep open space!

It's Coming Out of the TV???

Donate $100.00 or more

Amount is fully tax-deductible.

An alien gameshow. Now that sounds like an interesting sight!

With your donation, You'll get a MASSIVE thank you video from the cast and crew. You also get the rewards from all of the previous levels.

Thank you for supporting the arts! :)

The Interview

Donate $500.00 or more

Amount over $50.00 is tax-deductible.

Fun Fact: The American ID channel: Vol. 1 is based on interview with real people.

And because you're awesome, you've earned an interview with one of our playwrights, directors, or another member of the creative team/cast. You will also receive all previous rewards.

Thank you and please continue to come out and support us; join us for all our upcoming shows! :)

Space/Time Continuim

Donate $1,000.00 or more

Amount over $75.00 is tax-deductible.

There's a delicate balance, and when it's messed with, it can effect past, present, and future. 

With this donation, you've unlocked access to a signed poster of one of our shows, a pdf of one of our musicals' songs' sheet music, so you can sing along with us, AND all previous rewards as well.

And thanks to you, the future is now within our grasp, so THANK YOU.

Welcome to the MilkyWay Galaxy

Donate $2,500.00 or more

Amount over $75.00 is tax-deductible.

Welcome to the Galactic family! 

With your huge donation, we're a quarter of the way to our goal. You will receive the amazing opportunity to sit in on one of our rehearsals, a special profile shoutout on our social media story, as well as all other rewards from previous levels.

So THANK YOU for making our dream a reality!

The Goat

Donate $5,000.00 or more

Amount over $75.00 is tax-deductible.

You are the GOAT! There's no denying it, You got us halfway to our minimum goal, so you are simply the GOAT!

An associate producer credit in our program and special social media profile post, as well as all previous rewards.

Thank you for being a HUGE part of making this thing happen.