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Que Sera, Sera: A Life’s Journey of Sexual Orientation & Gender Expression

Talk About Queerness

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Que Será, Será: A Life’s Journey of Sexual Orientation & Gender Expression

"Truly an epic tale of a coming of age in one’s sexuality and gender identity." Kate Hebert Theatre Reviews (Australia)

 Kingston, NY, US
  • $1,343 raised of $3,200 goal
  • 15 donations
  • -1417025 minutes left
This is a Fiscally-Sponsored Project

Fiscally Sponsored by Fractured Atlas

Performance venues are re-opening. LGBTQ Pride month is right around the corner. The accolades for Que Será, Será have been pouring in. Arts Mid-Hudson has awarded us another grant .... and with YOUR help, Zelda's solo multi-media Queer show Que Será, Será will be performed LIVE again! 

Click to WATCH Que Será, Será show trailer

Live performance photo by James Orr

Que Será, Será was originally developed and performed, pre-pandemic, under an Arts Mid-Hudson Individual Artists Commission, shared live and recorded by Radio Kingston. Now we are proud to announce that Arts Mid-Hudson has awarded Zelda another grant to bring live in-person performances to Ulster County NY!  And, more good news:  Radio Kingston has agreed to support the show by becoming our official Community Partner for the grant!

This "Jumpstart" grant from Arts Mid-Hudson will partially support live performances at the Lace Mill artist residence, Zelda's home. Under a separate project, the Rosendale Theater in Rosendale New York will also present Que Será, Será  -- all in mid-June 2022.

To ready ourselves for these live shows in June for LGBTQ Pride, we are working with percussionist/composer Bobby Sabella to create original music and our technical director Sebastián Seda help to improve the lighting and streamline the technical elements of the show. Our goal is not only to improve the audience experience but to enhance show execution and ease of touring to multiple venues by digitizing all of the multi-media aspects of the show into one efficient computer program.

In order to support these improvements, to update our PR materials and website, promote the show, obtain all of the equipment we need, and expand the team to make all this magic happen, we need additional funds.  

Although the pandemic stopped live performances, we are happy to report that the show video has a life of its own -- and that both the media and audiences raved! Many viewers gave us feedback stating that even though the show is a Queer personal story, the themes and impact are universal -  and many felt strongly that it will help prevent suicide.

Read audience responses here:
Que Será AUDIENCE QUOTES_updated 12:6:2021.docx 189.13 KB

Que Será, Será_photo by James Orr_RR_9805 copy.jpg 57.73 MB

Que Será, Será received this great international review from Kate Herbert Media Reviews (Australia):

**** 4 Stars

"The title of this gently confronting and evocative storytelling performance says it all. It is A Life’s Journey of Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression told by the charming and engaging Zelda (AKA Judith Z. Miller) who opens her heart and her life to the audience ... imbuing her memories with passion, joy and melancholy .... Her stories are quirky and funny, distressing and sad, excitable and volatile and intermittently suicidal and tragic ...  Que Será Será is truly an epic tale of a coming of age in one’s sexuality and gender identity."

Que Será, Será
began as a 30-minute piece in response to the MEN art show at the Lace Mill Artist Residence in Kingston NY where it was performed 14 times in 2018. It was then developed into a full-length solo show under an Arts Mid-Hudson Individual Artist Commission, Zelda did multiple in-person interviews on Radio Kingston, and the show was performed live twice at the Hudson Valley LGBTQ Community Center in Kingston NY in December 2019.

Then all hell broke loose, i.e. the pandemic hit, and all of our scheduled live performance bookings were canceled. Fortunately, Radio Kingston shared the show live and recorded it - and made that video available to us to distribute. We also worked with web developer Dallas Bryson to create the Que Será, Será website to help keep the show alive by providing access to that video on-demand, 24/7 during this crazy time.

And kept alive it was! That video was presented by The Ulster County Women's Network, presented by RUACH as an educational/training tool for helpers and healers, shown in multiple Fringe Festivals across the US, and featured on World Fringe Day by the Oregon Fringe Festival.  Que Será, Será  was also shown in Australia as part of the LGBTQ Midsumma Festival where it garnered its first international Four Star rave media review, defining the show as “truly an epic tale of a coming of age in one’s sexuality and gender identity.” Zelda was twice selected as Storyteller of the Week by the TMI Project, profiled by NYC’s LGBTQ Community Center, and she appeared on numerous interview/talk shows, including Talk with TQ, a YouTube-based half-hour interview program which features not only information about Que Será, Será but also Zelda's visual artwork as well. The “Sheitelstock” section of the show was selected by Blunt Space Inc. (Art, Advocacy, Culture) for their “New Shit Wednesdays” on Instagram, and by MAD (Midtown Arts District) in Kingston NY for their Celebration of the Arts Video Showcase.

Upcoming soon in 2022

will stream Que Será, Será on its new phone app and an interview with Zelda along with the entire show along with supporting documents will be housed in the Lesbian Herstory Archives. 

Click to WATCH Que Será, Será
show trailer

To learn more on the Que Será, Será website, click


The Supportive Masses

Donate $25.00 or more

Amount is fully tax-deductible.

If you wish, your name will appear in the program under this heading. 

Theatre Enthusiast

Donate $75.00 or more

Amount is fully tax-deductible.

If you wish, your name will appear in the program under this heading. 


Donate $150.00 or more

Amount over $20.00 is tax-deductible.

If you wish, your name will appear in the program under this heading.
and ...  
1ticket to any available performance - or - donation of that ticket to a local LGBTQ group for a free give-away.


Donate $400.00 or more

Amount over $40.00 is tax-deductible.

If you wish, your name will appear in the program under this heading. 
and ...  
2tickets to any available performance - or - donation of those tickets to a local LGBTQ group for a free give-away.

Major Contributor

Donate $500.00 or more

Amount over $40.00 is tax-deductible.

If you wish, your name will appear in the program under this heading. 
and ...  
2 tickets to any available performance - or - donation of those tickets to a local LGBTQ group for a free give-away.

Associate Producer

Donate $1,000.00 or more

Amount over $80.00 is tax-deductible.

If you wish, your name will appear in the program under this heading. 
and ...  
4 tickets to any available performance - or - donation of those tickets to a local LGBTQ group for a free give-away.