I'm excited to announce that I have been selected for the Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble's Body Passages Residency!
This season I'm blessed with so many opportunities to show my work, and thanks to the Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble Residency I have the space to create and rehearse in as well, this fund will go directly toward fair and equitable compensation of collaborating artists as well as production costs (costuming & props).
For this residency, I will primarily be focused on my newest work 'cult/ure' an exploration of the human pursuit of knowing the unknown exploring the thin line between the knowable and unknowable, the physical and spiritual, and the passage in between realized in the prop of a window frame.
To keep us on track for all the other exciting opportunities coming up we are trying to raise $500 for this residency specifically.
$500 is ...
- 5 people donating $100
- 10 people donating $50
- 20 people donating $25
- 50 people donating $10
Winifred Haun & Dancers First Draft
Links Hall
Get Tickets Friday 3/7 7:30pm
Sunday 3/9 3pm
Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble Body PassagesEbenezer Lutheran Church
Friday 5/2 7:30pm
Saturday 5/3 7:30pm
Sunday 5/4 7:30PM
Trifecta's A New Light Ruth Page Center
Friday 5/9
The Human Experience Dance Project Launch Party
The Rooted Space
Saturday 5/31 6PM