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AFAFO Media -- Multiple theatrical and mixed media projects

Support Multiple Fringe Theater and Mixed Media Art Projects

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Mission Statement 

AFAFO Media is a collaboration of artists who are committed to telling bold new stories in any medium, anywhere, any time. We are currently supporting and/or are aligned with the following projects: 

-The Cruelty-Free Confessions of Hannah Blake (NYC Fringe 2025) 

Synopsis: Hannah Blake is a trad wife/cooking vlogger who wants to show you how to live a healthy vegan lifestyle…and is also a serial killer. Join her as she livestreams her favorite recipes and confesses her crimes to ghosts that only she can see. Don’t forget to like and subscribe.

Why this story: Through a satirical take on the tradwife influencer movement and motherhood in general, the story itself challenges the audience to ask the question: What truly makes a monster in our society?

Runtime: 60 minutes

Where: Under St. Marks Show

Wednesday April 2nd at 9:50pm 
Friday April 4th at 8:10pm 
Thursday April 10th at 6:30pm 
Thursday April 17th at 8:10pm 
Sunday April 20th at 5:20pm 

-Simone (Edinburgh Fringe 2025) 

Synopsis: Maya is a humble desk clerk at the legendary spy agency MI-6. Her literary ambitions abandoned, this single mother takes a side gig as a muse for hire to help make ends meet. Maya's first assignment is the washed-up novelist Everett Shaw. Having found fleeting fame for writing a scandalous pulp novel during his younger years, Everett struggles to recreate his success. To help Everett regain his creative spark, Maya ends up discovering her own when she starts to tell tall tales otherwise reserved for her young daughter at bedtime. Thus, the French superspy Simone Le Barre was born. Simone is everything that Maya wants to be — adventurous, tough as nails, and will pull out all the stops to get her way. Much to Maya’s amused bewilderment, Everett is sold, hook, line, and sinker, on Maya’s secret life as a spy. However, things get tricky when these tall tales turn out to be more than just make-believe.

Why this story: A lighthearted farce that ultimately brings about being true to ones self, Simone is a call to ask "What is the line between truth and fiction, and what happens when it is blurred?"

Your donations will help us put these projects on at these Fringe events and beyond!

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