Presented free of charge to the public, ATT's first production was George Kelly's The Show-Off, a bilingual adaptation for a Greek family, set inthe early 1960s, performed at the Kraine Theater in New York and elsewhere. In 1995 ATT inaugurated its Angelos Vlachos Comedy Festival,ending in 2005, with Vlachos' The Grocer's Daughter, premiered at the Frederick Loewe Theatre in New York, followed by tours in Boston, and in Philadelphia by 1996 and a New Jersey and Connecticut tour a year later. ATT returned to Philadelphia to premiere two new Vlachos comedies, My Sober Husband and Mr. Floret's Wife. The Grocer's Daughter had its English language world premiere in Baltimore in 1999, with extended tours throughout New York including a dinner theatre engagement by 2000. In 2001 ATT mounted a revival of Maxwell Anderson's Barefoot in Athens, marking 50 years since its Broadway debut, at the Olympic Theatre in New York, as part of the 2001: Year of Socrates celebrations. This particular production was extended into the following season , in daytime performances for the NYC public schools.