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Art for Prayer and Peace: A Bridge to Oneness

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." African Proverb

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Would you like to see Judaism more accessible to a wider audience? By supporting this project, that’s what you’ll help achieve.

Your donation will cover our  costs in making the art work itself, supporting several artists, as well as some exhibition costs.  Through our successful Kickstarter and Fractured Atlas, over 130 people have already donated well over $52,000.

The first exhibitions have already begun. As the project continues to grow and evolve, new opportunities for exhibitions and educational programs will arise.

For more information about the art production budget, upcoming exhibitions, and the work itself, please contact Aimee Golant at or call 415-533-2433.

Make Checks out to: Fractured Atlas

Memo Line: Art for Prayer and Peace

Mail to: Fractured Atlas c/o Aimee Golant 167 Caine Ave. SF, CA 94112.


Dear Aimee,

I had a lot of feelings… What really strikes me about your work is that it allows the audience to experience a very positive interaction between religions. It offers a vision of what could be possible.  The sculptures, the way they are designed, provide a space for religions to be together in a very respectful manner. 

This is wonderful. I don’t know where else I have experienced that.

I think as people we understand there are important human values to uphold. But what we lack is the knowledge that these values transcend religious boundaries.

Through your sculptures it dawned on me that the work of humanity is being taken on, with great sincerity, by wonderful people from all religions.

I left the gallery with a sense of joy and hope. We are not isolated in our religious islands … your work reminds us of the language we all share. 

This provides a great role model of how religions can work together and be curious and respectful of each other. Just the presence of different representatives together is a symbol of peace and possibility.

All the best, Cristian

[I am a practicing Buddhist but had a non-practicing Jewish mother and Catholic father. My mother was in the Holocaust and all her life she tried very hard to hide her Jewish roots.]

Here’s what others are saying:

We live in a time where we need to “listen” to the artists, the poets, the musicians who cause us to pause from all our single-minded justifications and to encounter the Other with a whole-hearted “yes!”  Aimee’s work does just that… while creating all sorts of virtual openings for people of all faiths or no formal faith.

— Reverend Gail Doering

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