1.png1.21 MB We are Art School Dropouts, a certified minority-owned business! We are a family of creators who are passionate about action filmmaking and comedic acting. Through our weekly original narrative-driven content, we aim to create "feel-good" experiences for our audience.
We believe in the power of art and its ability to bring people together. That's why we have created a YouTube channel, where our films are available to watch for free.
Our family is guided by two mantras: Our first mantra: Birth through Action. In the middle is a lotus, a plant that blooms in mud, persevering through all odds. But ideals means nothing without action; the four blades protect that concept.
Our second mantra: Everything and Nothing. Greatness but humble. A warrior in peacetime. To be enlightened but earthly.
To us, our logo means everything. It's the symbol we carry on our backs and hearts every time we go out to fight for what we believe in.
With our skill sets on action filmmaking and comedic acting, we aim to entertain through martial arts and comedic action much like Jackie Chan or Charlie Chaplan; all the while incorporating fresh, new ideas from cultural trends of inspirations to modern day media, from comic books to anime.
The blend is a refreshing look at nostalgic action for new and old fans of the action genre. We make sketches, web series, and feature films for our YouTube audiences.
1 (3).png644.15 KB As a small but growing film production company, there are numerous tasks that go into making films. Even in dire times, we are always dedicated to producing the best films we can in our own vision. Today, we are appreciative to have supportive people contribute to our films. Your funds will go towards:
Props and costumes
Location rentals
Food for cast and crew
Monetary compensation for cast and crew
Application to film festivals
Marketing costs
1 (2).png1.38 MB We have several features and web series on deck to be made. But we do not want to compromise our vision and story which is why we are going about this in a bit of a non-traditional filmmaking way. We are asking our audience and fans for support.
Our promise is that our films will always be available to watch for free on YouTube.
So if you are interested in being a part of our journey of independent story telling, then consider donating! You will help us create "feel-good" content, get tax benefits as well as your name listed in the project credits!