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Arts PRunlimited, Inc.

Awards in Berlin, Bali; Paris; Sweden; Rome; Philly, Milan, Seattle, Austin: New Orleans, Turkey.

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Awards/Certificates in Philadelphia, Milan, Berlin, New Orleans for excellence. -- Performances of The Nutcracker was accomplished and thrilling on many levels.  Ukraine Ballet added elements of T.A. Hoffman's short story that were unexpected, enlightening and sardonic at NJPAC. NJPAC was near capacity and the audience approval mounted over the course of the ballet to a roar of approval for our shared journey to honor Ukraine as well.

We welcome all support. You can donate here with this link:

Newark. Italy and me ( wins 3 Film Freeway Awards in 2023.

Archives: Janet Noble's AWAY ALONE at Irish Arts Center.  Paul Parente's TWO and Twenty published by Samuel French from our Off-Broadway premiere.  Olympia Dukakis on FANGS TO RICHES which now comprises part of American Phantasmagoria (

Books:  AMERICAN PHANTASMAGORIA ( 5 Awards on Film Freeway;
Newark, Italy and me ( 4 Awards in Rome, Paris and Sweden as book.
"organized labor" ( wins 3 Awards on FF.
Exits and Entrances ( wins 3 FF Awards as well.

Teddy Roosevelt Museum: Antonio Masini exhibit.
22 Awards for SACCO & VANZETTI: BURN !!!  (2021-27). --


DPQuinn | New Jersey Excuse me-----isn't there a legal limit to not put forward a frivolous lawsuit---or bogus investigations ad infinitum like this ???


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