Bollydancers is a feature length documentary celebrating Bollywood dance and the regular New Yorkers who study and perform this unique style. The film’s director spent six years dancing in several Bollywood troupes. She was astonished by the commitment of her teachers and their students to this specific cross-media synthesis of art, entertainment and cultural identity. She’s created Bollydancers to share their stories with a mainstream American audience.
Today’s India is pulled between its ancient traditions and the modern influences of globalization. Bollywood dance—a staple of Bollywood movies—weaves together this seeming dichotomy, fusing East and West, past and pop. This art-form has leapt off the big screen and into dance studios across India and the United States.
Bollydancers goes beyond the vibrant colors, contagious beats and compelling movements to reveal a diverse group of people who find joy, expression and community through Bollywood dancing.
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