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CaZo Dance

Story-telling through dance is what makes dancers into artists


CaZo Dance Company

CaZo is a Story-telling company that allows the general public to fall in love with dance by creating works that are easy to follow, artistic and entertaining. CaZo also teaches dance to the community and shares their love and passion for dance through creating a non-judgemental space for dancers to grow at their own pace. CaZo enjoys using class to teach lessons about trusting yourself and others, emoting through the movement, dancing as a unit with the others in class, and letting go of past and current issues one is dealing with.

CaZo is looking to spread their following and to one day open their own dance studio for all ages and special populations. They are currently doing this by teaching class throughout the Phoenix community, in High schools, and producing productions for the fall and spring. They are also currently working on doing a collaborative show with three to four other dance companies to allow one another's followers to see other works as well.

Every contribution will help us reach our future goals and offsets fees related to advertising, manpower, supplies, rent, utilities, travel, transportation, and other such fine details to make these things possible.

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