If there is a single motor driving all of my activity as a musician and as an artist, it is ACCESS TO ART. Great art is truth-telling, and helps our audiences to tell the difference between the true and the artificial. Thus we can say that it helps to make a better society.
My life as an interpreter is multivalent and interdependent.
SOLO: the ongoing performance of the music of my two commissioning and recording projects, which between them represent the creation of 39 new works of music for the piano. These are: Rumor de Páramo / Murmurs from the Wasteland, homage to the great Mexican writer Juan Rulfo; and Canto de la Monarca: Mujeres en México/Song of the Monarch: Women in Mexico. I often design mixed programs, putting this new music into dialogue with works from the repertoire. Or, I may dedicate an entire concert to them.
COMMUNITY: PianoVibra (pronounced PianoVeebra) or PV, which aims to get kids close to a real grand PIANO, not some electric pseudo-piano. I want them to feel how it vibrates when it’s helping me play Bach and Liszt and Horacio Uribe (México,1970), or Silvia Berg (Brazil,1958). The PV “baby pilot” we did in November-December of 2019 was a huge success. Here are some links:
An important part of PV is to get rid of the association of elitism that still attaches to both theaters and the grand pianos which are in them.
1- with CHIMALMA (clarinets, bassoon, piano), concerts for children as well as for adults with little or no access to good classical chamber music. In August 2020, in the very depths of the pandemia and pre-vaccine, we decided to commission music: two-minute pieces for children, inspired in animals imaginary and real. Of course the project was immediately named ChimalmAnimales! We have five composers from Mexico, the US, Spain, and Brazil, and animals from opossums to dragons. The music is magical. Now,we are finally on the point of recording the videoBRIEF DESCRIPTION_ENGLISH.pdf175.26 KB. This is my current fundraising focus.
2- with two extraordinary singers, Renée Bouthot of Canada and Gregory Lorenz of New York.
All collaborations feature programming of works by living composers, of Mexico, Canada, and the US.
On a continuous basis, I apply for support in both the US and in Mexico, as well as with private individuals, for all of my activities.