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coveillance: demystifying surveillance with arts-based methods

helping communities watch their watchers


coveillance is a collective of technologists, organizers, and designers who employ arts-based approaches to demystify surveillance and build communal counterpower. Currently we are supporting the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington (ACLU WA), in collaboration with the Center for Arts, Design + Social Research (CAD+SR, based in Boston and Helsinki), by developing a surveillance demystification toolkit that employs approaches such as experience-based tours, experimental somatic formats, new media art installations, and narrative visualization to make the workings of high-tech surveillance generally accessible to members of the public. Our toolkit supports the workshop "Watching the watchers: a countersurveillance workshop," which we are initially facilitating with the ACLU of WA in Seattle and which we are working to adapt to other cities.

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