My aim is to open up the world of creating art and furniture to a diverse mix of people who haven't had the opportunity to express their inner artist. Having taught more than 3000 university students a method to grow their creativity I have confidence that the project-based and experiential learning activities I've developed will be effective in a new setting.
I intend to offer courses in art making, and in the design, concept, and history of artist-made furniture. These will include weekend workshops, and as the number of people involved grows, I will expand to offer those who are passionate about "Studio Furniture," the opportunity to join a 9-week mentoring program.
I've loved being a teacher for four decades, but after mentoring dozens of people in the skills involved in conceptualizing, and building one-of-a-kind furniture, I look forward to mentoring a new mix of people. I started building furniture at age 7, and throughout my numerous careers, I always return to MAKING. Why? I finally figured out that at my core, the reason I make art/furniture/architecture is: M.T.B.C., which stands for, "Making Things Brings Clarity."
Michael Kieley
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