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Danielle Fodor

Art that transforms places, people, and communities

This campaign has ended, but you can still make donations by visiting this fundraiser's general support page.

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Paint the Street Davis -- Senda Nueva

Help SUPERSIZE our place-making pavement mural in North Davis. Reclaim a public street for art, play, and community while building a vibrant art walk in a diverse neighborhood

 Davis, CA, US
  • $5,712 raised of $15,000 goal
  • 70 donations
  • -3225506 minutes left
This is a Fiscally-Sponsored Project

Fiscally Sponsored by Fractured Atlas

Elemental Gifts on the way -- in the New Year

Hey friends and mural supporters.
I’m just writing to give you a quick update on my Elemental mural –- and your promised crowdfunding gifts.
Your mural THANK YOU gifts (memory book, greeting cards, and more) are still in the making – after October’s painting extravaganza, it took a few weeks to tie off loose ends, wash all the brushes, and return orphaned items to owners.  
Just when I was about to get to work on our mural documentary book – poor winter health got in the way, with the stomach flu, a sprained ankle, and a spotty disease visiting our home. This made me realize I needed a hand, and I now have two crafty volunteers starting work on the memory book after the holidays, while I layout a few more greeting cards and mail thank you notes (Thanks Nick & Kyla fo for the hand!).
So – I am writing to let you know an ETA – I expect to be sending Elemental gifts throughout in January and February.  Just in time to share the love for Valentines.
Thank you SO MUCH again for making the Elemental mural possible.  

Last week we had a little party out at the dragon, and people from all around the neighborhood came out – new friends and old – to chat, reminisce, and be grateful to the gifts we’d each brought to the process.  It’s humbling to see how many hours and resources each of us have given to create this big, inspiring piece of artwork – and always a reminder that that any one of us can’t create alone what we can when we work together – build a dream together – and  – it’s always the result of the help and support of many many people.
Thank you for helping strengthen a neighborhood – and the arts – in 2018.
Happy Holidays,


The Dragon Breathes!

Dear Neighbors and Friends,

We did it!
Thank you to all who helped bring our mural to life through our August funding campaign. Your support made it incredibly successful – we received 100 donations in our 40 day campaign – ranging from $5 to $2000.  All the little donations added up (along with the big ones) to some massive art.
Along with our crowdfunding donors, we were blessed to enjoy the support of 2 businesses: Asphalt Impressions and Dos Coyotes.  See some of the amazing murals that Asphalt Impressions makes, at the end of this post.
What does this mean?
The Amazing News: We have brought our dragon to life!  The mural will include over 5000 square feet of paint, over a 10,000 square foot surface of street and greenbelt pathways.  We will paint the dragon labyrinth with a vibrant terra-cotta background color. 
What about Spider Park?  We are about $600 short of our fundraising goal to complete the artwalk North/South and paint Spider Park.  But –- we still have donations coming in, so we figure we just need more time.  We will continue to collect donations for Spider Park between now and next Spring, tentatively planning for another community paint day in the Spring. This will give us a reason to come together again, for more art!   Donate here.
Next Steps:

  • Art Parties: You're invited!  Now that we’ve got the money, we’ve got to make the art!  Join us for art parties on Sept 12, 21, and 30 to prepare giant stencils. RSVP here for more info.
  • Supplies needed:  We are collecting paintbrushes (all sizes), quart-sized yoghurt containers, 4 to 6 foot poles, yardsticks, and more.  If you’ve got extra stuff, we have a use for it!  Drop off at: 1129 Pamplona.
  • Sign up to paintor volunteer during the Painting Party on Oct 12-14.  Bring your family and friends! All ages & abilities welcome in a giant paint-by-number.

Last -- we are seeking new volunteers NOW to help with pre-event planning: organizing supplies, office work, errands, and more. Many hands make light work. Contact me at to find out more.

Thanks for your generous support!  We can’t wait to make art with you.


AND the Senda Nueva Creative Action Team:
Raychel Kubby Adler, Juliette Beck, Nick Buxton, Judy Catambay, Gina Gemignani, Meg Gurley, Sarah Keith, Josiah Lopez, Sarah Mandel, Christine McCrory, Leonie Pickett, Carlea Rossi, Stephanie Schoen, Jenny Tom

Check out one of Asphalt Impressions awesome murals!  We are thrilled to have them as a partner on this project.

Koi Crosswalk.jpg 327.75 KB
The mural is a project of the City of Davis Arts & Cultural Affairs program, and is supported in part by the California Arts Council, a state agency, and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.  Sponsors include: Asphalt Impressions and Dos Coyotes.

Please donate at our regular Fractured Atlas profile page.

Your donations will go toward our fund balance and will still be processed by Fractured Atlas. Simply click the above link to complete your donation!

So close...Just $1800 to go with 24 hours left

We are now down to the last 24 hours of the crowdfunding campaign. And we are so close!

Thanks to the generosity of Davis residents and local businesses (particularly Asphalt Solutions and Dos Coyotes) we are just $1800 away from reaching our ambitious $15,000 goal.  (The total shown on this site doesn't capture all the donations given in other ways).

So if you know of anyone who would support this,  please email them and encourage them to give. Share the link to this page on your Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/WhatsApp etc.  

And if you would like to make an additional gift, that would be very welcome too. Every dollar counts in this final push (deadline end of Friday August 31st)

We can do this!

Almost there!

Hey Super - Mural Supporters,
I’ve got updates!
I’m excited to announce that we’re nearing our goal to expand Paint the Street Senda Nueva into an inspiring 10,000+ square foot mural --  building connections between seniors, college students, and families through a bold, bright art walk in North Davis. 
While the online “register” for our campaign shows $3,412 raised – the reality is much, much better, with over $11,000 already pledged or donated to support the project. Wow!
Who is making this art happen?
  • YOU -- More than 50 people (including YOU) have donated to the project and helped spread the word.  THANK YOU!! About ½ of donations are from the neighborhood itself – and the rest from Davis and beyond – as far away as Massachusetts. I'm truly humbled by this support.

  • Neighbors -- $2500 has been pledged from Senda Nueva neighbors as a MATCH for NEW individual donors between Aug 14 and Thursday, Aug 23.  We are currently just $800 short of this goal.  Extra thanks to those who donated in the last few days to help make this happen.

  • Local businesses --  Asphalt Impressions and Dos Coyotes together have pledged to cover $5000 of mural cost.  I’m excited to work with these locally-owned businesses, who have been supporting a more sustainable California – through green business practices, art and culture -- for many years.  

    Asphalt Impressions, Inc, will apply our sealant coat pro-bono, protecting the mural for the years to come, as well as pitching in for mural expenses.  They are art installers themselves -- working to beautify city streets and homes -- and also responsible for those green cycle lanes across the West that keep us cyclists safe. I particularly love some of the murals they've installed, shown below.  Cool stuff!

I'm excited to partner with them and Dos Coyotes (a cornerstone restaurant in our 'hood) in re-defining Davis streets for pedestrians and bikes. Thanks for stepping up!

Altogether, these promises -- and your kind donations -- put the neighborhood’s dream design within reach – but we have a little bit still to go!
We have just $4,500 left to raise within the next 10 days to complete our dream of an art walk that extends from Atria Covell Gardens senior housing to the children’s playground at the North Davis ditch.
Thank you again to everyone who is helping our dreams become reality!
Danielle & the Senda Nueva Creative Action Team

Cool New Map of Mural Sites -- and THANK YOU!

Hi friends,

Wondering what would go where in the new Paint the Street project?  My friend and fellow street-painter Nik Joshi made this super cool map which shows which parts of the mural would go where.

Click here to see a map of all the sites.

I have also been at work in the studio, and I'm happy to share a draft design for Spider Park.  It's based on children's drawings from our May Drop-In Design Workshop (aka the Lucy Booth) in the greenbelt.

Lastly -- in crowdfunding news -- we are up to $ 1300 raised and 23 donors.  WOW.  THANK YOU!  You may notice this is a bit more than what shows online -- as some incredibly kind people have been just been handing me cash, unexpectedly when I'm out walking my dog in the neighborhood.  What a nice surprise.

This is a great start -- but we've got a long way to go to bring that dragon to its full size. 4000 square feet is a lot of paint! This week I'll be working with volunteers to place some fliers on the greenbelt and around town. We are still looking for a few business sponsors, if you happen to know any business owners who'd like to support the project. 

THANK YOU to everyone who's shared the campaign with friends through Facebook and email.


UPDATE #2: Please donate at the link below:

Your donations will go toward our fund balance and will still be processed by Fractured Atlas. Simply click the above link to complete your donation!

Update!!! - Thanks to the generosity of local  businesses and neighbors, we have almost reached our goal. It just does not show yet on the tally as it has not all gone through this system. Therefore we need only $1800 dollars but have less than 24 hours to do it. Can you help us meet our goal?

Paint the Street -- creating ART that makes the HEART grow.

Paint The Street Senda Nueva is fun, guided art project that is bringing together diverse residents of a North Davis neighborhood to create a new public plaza, through a monumental mural painted on pavement.  

As important as the art we create is the social web we weave.

Under the leadership of artist Danielle Fodor, more than 150 residents have participated in selecting the location and designing a vibrant, welcoming mural.  In the next 3 months, we expect more than 500 people to participate -- but we need your help to make it happen!

As important as the art we create is the social web we weave.  Hundreds of residents from toddlers to elders are participating in the muraling process -- as designers, drawers, storytellers, painters, organizers, and audience.   Across generations and socio-economic class, we are finding shared values in our love of nature, art, and culture -- and celebrating what is still blessed and hopeful in these tumultuous times. 

With rollers and brushes, we will paint concrete on October 12-14, working together to draw and paint a monumental paint-by-number. We hope you will join us with your financial donation today -- in our effort to make ART that makes the HEART grow.

Seeking more paint, more labor, and a protective topcoat.

We were privileged to start this project with the generous support of the City of Davis, the California Arts Council, and the National Endowment of the Arts. Together, they have funded Danielle's Artist-in-Residency in Senda Nueva, as well as paying for top-of-the-line StreetBond paint for 1600 square feet of paint -- enough to cover much of the sidewalk north of Atria Covell Gardens, in the Senda Nueva greenbelt.

But -- in the course of countless discussions between more than 150 people who have participated in this mural, we've discovered that we want more paint, more labor, and a protective topcoat to bring our vision of a public plaza and residential artwalk alive.

We envision the natural elements coming out of the greenbelt to explode in color with an interactive water dragon labyrinth at Hacienda Avenue, reclaiming a public street as a place for gathering, play, and intergenerational interaction.  

People have also asked for a simpler mini-mural featuring the same creatures in a treehouse design on the North side of the neighborhood, at nearby Spider Park, activating this space as a multi-generational gathering site, and strengthening a sense of interconnectedness in the 'hood.

But that’ll take more money for paint, brushes, and someone skilled to keep everyone painting inside the lines.

That’s where you come in…

Your donation of $1 or more will help to fill a budget gap of $15,000, making this super-sized mural a reality.

We need your donation before August 31, so that Danielle can make a final to-scale drawing, we can order top-quality StreetBond Paint, and we can recruit another skilled artist to help out on paint day!

Like numbers?  The budget gap breaks down like this:

StreetBond Paint $5000
Sealant Coat  $1800
Printing $1000
Lead Artist Labor $3000 (at discounted rate of $30/hour)
Assistant Artist Labor $1000 (at discounted rate of $15/hour)
Materials (Brushes!), Signage, & Super Awesome Crowd-funding Gifts: $3200

Your donation today will help us grow our mural to cover more than 4000 square feet of street surface, as well as the concrete pad outside Blue Spider Park.  We believe in paying for the best quality paint and expert supervision so that our mural lasts for several years, not disappearing into oblivion as lesser materials can.


From the Lead Artist, Danielle Fodor:

For the first time in my professional life, I am painting a community mural where I live, within my 'hood. I've had a long and checkered history in this neighborhood, so it's a real adventure to do community organizing here.  

I currently live in the Senda Nueva neighborhood in an affordable housing co-op, but I first moved to this neighborhood in 1995 as an undergrad at UC Davis. My roommate dropped out of school due to homesickness, and I spent the rest of the year isolated and alone. 14 years later, I returned to Senda Nueva as a parent of a small child. Cut off from my previous social and professional life by the demands of motherhood, I befriended elderly neighbors and learned about the isolation of old age, compounded by the onset of physical and mental disabilities. 

Davis is a city full of people who moved here from someplace else.

I am inspired to work in Senda Nueva because I understand that isolation and the need for connection spreads across ages, cultures, and abilities.

Davis is a city full of people who moved here from someplace else. In doing so, we lost the day-to-day interactions with loved ones that fill life with meaning. Intersection murals overcome isolation and welcome newcomers – transient students, international visitors, and immigrants -- by addressing that need to connect in our daily lives with the people who surround us.

Senda Nueva is a special place within Davis. We have students, seniors, singles, families, and children residing in a small geographic area, in everything from apartments, assisted living, single family homes, glorious estates, and affordable housing.  We share the same bike and pedestrian pathways.  We brush against people of different classes, cultures, and generations daily -- but we don't often have the time or energy to bridge these divides.

Intersection murals activate our most intrinsic commons – the ground beneath us.

In painting the ground beneath us, the mother earth, our public streets -- we encourage people to make art in unlikely places. Intersections are literally our meeting ground, yet we often design these spaces for cars. 

As we seek to build resilient communities, to stay local, to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and to overcome cultural divisions, we can re-imagine our streets to encourage people to slow down, to linger, to communicate, and to share with one another.

We CAN build a pedestrian village culture to give joy to daily bike/pedestrian commutes and nourish each other where we live.

We need your donation by August 31 in order to purchase paint for this project.

Help us re-build a village culture -- with your donation today.




Donate $5.00 or more

Amount is fully tax-deductible.

Social Media Thank You for your donation 


Donate $10.00 or more

Amount is fully tax-deductible.

Thank You Postcard with photo of completed Elemental mural, mailed at project completion, and a Social Media Thank You


Donate $35.00 or more

Amount over $5.00 is tax-deductible.

Set of Five Postcards of the Elemental mural, a Thank You Postcard, and a Social Media Thank You 


Donate $60.00 or more

Amount over $15.00 is tax-deductible.

Set of Five Greeting Cards from Danielle’s previous murals, a Thank You Postcard, and a Social Media Thank You


Donate $100.00 or more

Amount over $20.00 is tax-deductible.

Set of Five Greeting Cards from Danielle’s previous murals, Five Elemental Postcards, a Thank You Postcard, and a Social Media Thank You

Eye Glasses Upcycle

Donate $120.00 or more

Amount over $15.00 is tax-deductible.

Get your eyeglasses customized with a hand painted design! 

You choose the colors, and I will give them a new, more colorful life. 

Your provide plastic frames in a solid color.  I upcycle those old frames to your preferences.

Before.After.Yellow.GreenDot.sml.jpg 39.6 KB


Donate $150.00 or more

Amount over $20.00 is tax-deductible.

Your Name Acknowledged as a Donor on Event Signage, Five Greeting Cards, Five Elemental Postcards, a Thank You Postcard, and a Social Media Thank You


Donate $260.00 or more

Amount over $60.00 is tax-deductible.

Photographic Mural Memory Book, tracing the project from beginning to end, Your Name on Event Signage, 5 Greeting Cards, 5 Elemental Postcards, a Thank You Postcard, and a Social Media Thank You

Mural - O - Rama

Donate $800.00 or more

Amount is fully tax-deductible.

Danielle takes you (and up to 10 people) on a mural tour of Davis, after Elemental's installation in October.

Hear the story behind 10+ murals, including community projects and commissioned artwork, in a leisurely 3-4 hour bike tour.


Donate $800.00 or more

Amount over $100.00 is tax-deductible.

Pick-A-Painting from Danielle’s studio


Donate $1,500.00 or more

Amount over $160.00 is tax-deductible.

Pick-a-Painting from Danielle's studio, the Mural Memory Book, Your Name on Event Signage, Five Greeting Cards, Five Elemental Postcards, a Thank You Postcard, and a Social Media Thank You


Donate $3,500.00 or more

Amount over $530.00 is tax-deductible.

A Driveway Mural  (up to 3 colors) painted on your driveway or concrete patio in Oct-Nov 2018, the Mural Memory Book, Your Name on Event Signage, 5 Greeting Cards, 5 Elemental Postcards, a Thank You Postcard, and a Social Media Thank You 

* Must live within 60 miles of Davis, CA


Donate $5,000.00 or more

Amount over $840.00 is tax-deductible.

A Custom Front Door Mural painted on home between Nov 2018 and May 2019, the Mural Memory Book, Your Name on Event Signage, 5 Greeting Cards, 5 Elemental Postcards, a Thank You Postcard, and a Social Media Thank You 

* Must live within 60 miles of Davis, CA