} Decoding You {
You are called.
Who answers?
Rene's multimedia memoir series insists it be you.
Starting with the light-hearted and positive pre-sequel, Successful Storyteller, a retrospective-Rene helps you discover, own and share your story so you can find your life calling faster.
Descending into the darker Decoding You series, a reliving-Rene challenges you to simultaneously entertain the negative version of his mission statement: find your who and why before the world answers those questions for you ... incorrectly.
End the mental health epidemic
Want to end the mental health epidemic caused by chasing distractions over dreams?
Your support and this series will make it so!
Together, we will ignite a world of bold, hyper-focused decision-driven dreamers that can easily answer life's single most important question:
Why am I here?
Other questions? Call
Learn More: https://DecodingYou.com