Helmed by Wi-Moto Nyoka, Dusky Projects produces genre projects, events, workshops, and experiences in audio, immersive theater, and mixed media for adult and young adult audiences. The work focuses on inclusive storytelling and equity through the production and celebration of BIPOC artists.
Current Projects:
Affordable Housing is a slasher comedy short film about keeping a cheap apartment no matter what. Winner of the Nightmares Film Festival, 13 Horror screenplay competition, and British Horror Film Festival Blood List. The project has received support from Scribe Video, Independent Media Foundation, and the Leeway Foundation. It is currently in post production.
Black Women Are Scary is a radio-dramatic podcast that celebrates and produces short horror stories by BIPOC authors. Awards and honors include: Velocity Fund, Scribe Video Center Finishing Grant, Awesome Foundation, and Winner of the Ignyte Award for Best Fiction Podcast 2023. Season four is now airing everywhere you listen to podcasts. We are also developing in-person events to create fun and safe social spaces for BIPOC & queer horror nerds.
Told from the perspective of the Gun and the Bullet on their last night on Earth, A Funeral for The Death Machines, is an immersive musical experience moving from Gospel to House music, transitioning these objects from a symbol of harm to ones of transformation. Currently a Panel Pick at Cannonball Festival in Philadelphia, Ms. Nyoka will be further developing the piece and working towards an album recording.
Learn More: https://www.wi-motonyoka.com