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Earthsign Studios

Street art and public art to make the world a better place.


"Liz LaManche is working on public art, murals and street art, to make our cities more colorful and livable, and to enhance our public dialogue about how we can positively evolve as a species and as individuals. Her work adds meaning, celebration, and irreverence to give people a small mood lift as they pass by or create deeper thought and discussion."

My philosophy is: give people a little emotional lift, with color, beauty, or humor, and they may be able to carry that with them and be kind to someone else... seek the butterfly effect by putting good energy out there. People prefer color and beauty to living within spaces of bare concrete. I also try to create messages of kindness and social justice... from celebrating the great variety of people who came together to make our city, to the unsung mechanic who lived a life of simple kindness on a local level. These are the stories I want to tell.

I've worked on public projects large and small including "Connected By Sea", a 1000-foot multicultural tattoo installation on a pier at Boston Shipyard (next to the ICA Watershed)... another called "Salem's Connected World" celebrating the cultures that built Salem, MA... the "Stairs of Fabulousness", a giant rainbow in Boston City Hall... and "The Soul's Journey As A Series of Weird Old Cars" in Somerville.

Currently I'm working with Neighborways on a series of traffic calming and alleyway improvement projects, a number of murals are in the works, and as always the occasional small art in public. Subscribe to my newsletter here, and check out my website.

Thank you,

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