ESS Community Projects, hosted by Eckford Street Studio, is a non-profit organization aimed at reaching all children and families of North Brooklyn, regardless of income or experience.
ESSCP administers three programs:
• Art After School: Projects emphasize process, problem solving, and experimentation, and are designed in response to the students' interests. Under ESSCP's administration, we will be able to offer scholarships to students in need, expand programming at the studio, and work with neighborhood schools to offer on-site after-school programs.
• School Partnerships: Participating in art helps children expand their critical thinking skills, synthesize information in new ways, and develop confidence in their own choices. ESS Community Projects' School Partnerships Program works with our community's schools to provide opportunities for this kind of learning, at a time when such opportunities are becoming more and more scarce.
• Artist/Family Partnerships: Local artist Martynka Wawrzyniak led four Sunday afternoon art workshops for local families, free of charge, in conjunction with her Ziemia public art project. ESSCP will continue to offer these community building programs several times a year with other local artists interested in public engagement.
Among other things, your donation will go to purchase art materials, pay teaching artist fees, and provide professional development for participating classroom teachers. Our students recognize us for providing the highest quality education with master Teaching Artists, dedicated Studio Assistants, and creative space for artists of all ages. We are at a turning point in our ability to offer affordable arts education to the broader community and your contribution is essential to meet this goal. No donation is too small.
To learn more about the programs offered by the studio, visit
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