Equatorial Crisis:
The World's Most Endangered Indigenous Peoples.
In the Eden-like rainforests that once clothed the equator, multinational corporations are quietly stealing the resources of powerless, largely voiceless indigenous peoples whose names still identify the mountains, the valleys, and the rivers from where oil, timber, gold and other valuable minerals are spirited away. Equatorial Crisis is an online, interactive multimedia project documenting the expanding scars and poisoning of the remaining old growth rainforests, rivers and the air, humanizing this global environmental crisis endangering the indigenous peoples who have lived there since time immemorial. Click through photo essays and short films will establish the direct correlation on how consumers’ decisions in New York, Paris, Singapore or Tokyo directly affect the lives of rainforest peoples by establishing consumers’ economic connection to the destruction of rainforests half a world away by purchasing products made with commodities obtained unsustainably and unethically.
Learn More: http://www.jameswhitlowdelano.com/climate-change-environment/