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Firelight Collective


The Firelight Collective, a Los Angeles based company, has been creating thought provoking, emotionally charged, poetic storytelling in unexpected environments. The Firelight Collective started their journey by combining classic texts with elaborate and intricate sets that allowed audiences to taste, touch and feel the companies fiercely committed, raw, and intimate performances. Audiences travel through time and space by discovering unexpected rooms, from traditional theatres to city streets, shops, hotels, and homes, the experience itself becomes uniquely cinematic.

Artistic Directors, Stephanie Feury & Nathan Keyes, create original material that focuses on beautiful narrative storytelling that awakens the audiences. The Firelight Collectives brand of storytelling allows the audience to switch between the observer and the observed. Dedicating themselves to merging the
worlds of art, theatre and film, The Firelight Collective brings audiences deeply moving experiences.

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