Leading innovative art that promotes the well-being of our planet through the activation of inspiration
Future Cosmos Flow is a costume and dance film that promotes water environmentalism, and is inspired by water researcher and advocate, author, Dr. Masaru Emoto's discovery of the influence of positive and negative thought emotions on water's molecular structure.
Future Cosmos flow is the second film in the Crystals of Transformation series, an environmental film trilogy that brings attention to the multi dimensional power of water, and it's dynamic role in the individual and collective transformation.
The Crystals of Transformation film trilogy features all original hand-made water crystal costumes, choreography, dance, music composition, graphic design and textile design.
Future Cosmos Flow is about outer space, an ice covered planet, and an Ice god/goddess visiting the Earth from the future. It is a fictional account of mythological events that happened on the ice-covered dwarf planet Ceres leading to the Earth’s transformation and new life on Ceres.
Director/Producer/Costume Designer - Fuchsia Lin
Stephen Kimbrell - Dance Filmmaker, Editor
Andrea Parson - Choreographer, Dancer
Viktor Usov - Choreographer, Dancer
JJ Reinhold - Music Composer
Jessie Whipple Vickery of Pattern People - Graphic Designer, Textiles Designer
Monica Paz Soldan of Tiny Textiles - Artisan and Natural Dyer
For more information visit:
Watch the trailer for the first Crystals of Transformation film: