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Hit The Lights! Company

Less talk, More rock.

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HIT THE LIGHTS! CO. is a theater ensemble born from an artistic agreement to create and perform stories through collaborative non-hierarchy.  They follow the motto ‘Less Talk, More Rock.’ in their creative, administrative, and producing processes. This culminates in work that is often:

  • Hyper-theatrical: where performers multitask onstage in real time to create the technical, musical, and narrative components of a story simultaneously. 

  • Hand-made: Shows are meticulously built by the performers themselves, often including shadow puppets, direct manipulation puppetry, vintage overhead projectors, flashlights, original live music and immersive techniques. 

  • Dialogue-light: Believing that motion, color, sound, and atmosphere are more evocative and experiential than spoken text, a heavy emphasis is placed on dialogue-less, action-oriented storytelling. Consequently, this allows the work to connect with audience members of varying theatrical experience and physical ability. All HTL shows are accessible, offering audio description, ASL, and other elements that help bring the work to life.

The core company is comprised of four multidisciplinary artists who write, perform, puppet, direct, and produce the work as a collective. They are: 

  • Samantha Blain 
  • Claron Hayden 
  • Casey Scott Leach 
  • Mikayla Stanley
Hit The Lights! Theater Company is a multi-disciplinary ensemble based in Astoria, Queens. Together, they devise hand-crafted stories and educational programming centering innovation, accessibility, and fun.

We envision a future in which artists are empowered to create unencumbered by the barriers of traditional producing structures and hierarchies; a new generation of contemporary artists engaged in healthy collaboration, where their experience in the process matters just as much as the product.

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