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Junkyard Shakespeare

unprocessed theatre

Sweet Prince

Junkyard Shakespeare presents an adaptation of William Shakespeare's Hamlet

  • $5,000 goal amount
  • 24 donations
  • 23 days left
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Hi! I'm Hilary Dennis. I am an actor, independent producer, and theatre-maker - specializing in Shakespeare (a "Shakesnerd"). I also used to be a farmer. 

How do these two passions come together? Welcome to my Junkyard - a place where I explore the raw nutrition for life: emotion, poetry and presence. Human connection. No spectacle.

Junkyard Shakespeare is raw, dirty and delicious - just like a carrot right out of the field.

Read more here.


In the Junkyard, small groups of actors come together to create raw, clear, text-driven 90-minute versions of Shakespeare’s plays in one week. Performances have accommodated 12-99 audience members in varying locations (from La MaMa ETC in NYC to a backyard in Western Massachusetts).


Junkyard Shakespeare’s mission is to -

1. Pay our actors a living wage to ensure the viability of their essential and nutritious work.

2. Produce bare-bones, nutrient-dense theatre that prioritizes immediate, human connection.

3. Build trust and nurture impulse to create collaborative productions without a director.


To view our past productions, please visit our website:


We're cultivating this year's productions with our first ever annual appeal. If you're interested in supporting Junkyard Shakespeare, I'd like to get to you know you! Please email me at and let's begin a conversation.

If you're eager to contribute now, explore sponsorship levels and make a tax deductible donation here.

Thank you for your support!

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