Layers, a dance film produced and directed by César Abreu in collaboration with Puerto Rican composer Angélica Negrón and French visual artist Roxane Revon, proposes to take viewers on a transformative journey of self-acceptance through three movements: Ritual, Introspection, and Redemption. The film delves into the experiences of several dancers as they deal with the questions of societal expectations amidst patriarchal dominance, cultural intolerance, and economic despair. They navigate the depths of these struggles and their own self-imposed mental anguish with only a divine light guiding their path and desire to persevere. Through improvised dance sequences and heartfelt storytelling, Layers explores themes of resilience and empowerment of marginalized communities triumphing over immense adversity, to rise above the barriers we face and the human spirit's unyielding desire to have hope.