Hello! I'm Hayley Jannielli (she/they), a queer NYC-based actor and teaching artist approaching Designation in the Linklater Voice Method.
This rigorous and immense endeavor requires a capstone trip to the Kristin Linklater Voice Centre (KLVC) in Scotland in July of 2023 where my pedagogy will be assessed by a team of master Linklater teachers amongst a cohort of 10 other trainees from all over the world. I'm seeking your support in crossing that finish line.
I received my MFA in Acting from UC Irvine and have taught in classrooms and performed on professional stages around the country. I now teach and direct for some of the most competitive actor training programs in NYC, including NYU, Lee Strasberg Studio, AMDA, and Maggie Flanigan Studio. Hayley (far left) directing a cohort of graduating students of AMDA NYC. The Linklater Voice Method is a technical and imaginative progression of exercises laid out in Kristin's internationally acclaimed text Freeing the Natural Voice. Her methodology has been taught for decades around the world and she influenced the careers of such legendary actors as Patrick Stewart, Bill Murray, Sigourney Weaver, and Sam Rockwell. Designated teachers bring the work to a gamut of professionals: from actors to politicians to teachers to business managers.
My Designation process began in 2018. It has encompassed the following, totaling nearly 15k USD in tuition fees:
50 hours of private training with Andrea Haring.
Over 100 hours of training at The Linklater Center in NYC.
Regular observation of undergraduate classes at both Fordham University and Emerson College.
Workshops in Trish Arnold Movement with Merry Conway and Experiential Anatomy with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen.
A trip to the KLVC in 2019 for an advanced intensive with Kristin Linklater herself.
A trip to the KLVC in 2022 to complete Part I of my Designation.
Returning to the KLVC in Scotland once more to complete my Designation costs a total of 4,889 USD (3,904 USD for tuition and 1,084 USD for airfare and trains/ferries to and from the Orkney Islands). I have already received a grant from the Fran Bennett Fund in the amount of 1,790 GBP (2,272 USD) and am therefore seeking funding for the remaining 2,716 USD.
Kristin Linklater passed in 2020 and I could be among the final teachers to become fully and officially Designated. I am certain that this project will launch me into my most important artistic work of and position me as a capable and effective educator for those seeking to access their most authentic and powerful voice. Hayley teaching a workshop for ALMA NYC dance company.