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Live Through This

Life on the Other Side of a Suicide Attempt


Live Through This ( is a series of portraits and true stories of suicide attempt survivors across the United States.

One million Americans attempt suicide each year. Unfortunately, the narratives and unique needs of suicide attempt survivors and others with lived experience of suicidality have been systematically erased and anonymized over time. Live Through This shines a light on these experiences using portraiture and storytelling to create a real, human connection. It breaks stereotypes and cultural assumptions about the types of people affected by suicide by showing, quite literally, that suicide does not discriminate; indeed, it affects people of all age ranges, faiths, creeds, gender presentations, sexual orientations, and professions.

While Live Through This was initially meant to be a resource for those with lived experience who felt alone (and continues to be the most extensive of the very few available resources in existence), it has grown and evolved organically, and is now utilized in many other ways: it is taught in graduate programs for future clinicians; it is used in team trainings for one of the country's largest crisis centers; suicide loss survivors use it as a resource to better understand the mindset of a suicidal person and work through grief; behavioral health providers use it as a therapeutic tool with their clients; and it is the largest data set of narratives of suicide attempt survivors in existence, providing the basis for an innovative qualitative program of research on suicide attempt survivors, driven by suicide attempt survivors.

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