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Mayta Fusion Dance

Mayta Fusion Dance

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"Let your vision be world embracing..." Baha'u'llah

Mayta Fusion dance is a project-based dance company located in the Hudson, Valley NY. 
Through performances, choreography, workshops, talks and dance events, the company weaves together multicultural forms of movement to foster global narratives and shine a spotlight on our universality and diversity. 

  • To use dance as a tool to bring awareness of our oneness, our connectedness, our       humanity, our history, our cultures, our equality, and the beauty of the world 

  • To create meaningful, high-quality choreographies in a multidisciplinary fashion in collaboration with musicians, actors, dancers, visual artists, writers, poets and more

  • To create pieces that inspire and bring about change

I am looking to financially support the development of my dance company, including: supporting artists, dancers, musicians, a web designer, a business consultant, a filmmaker; to pay for rehersal space and fund productions of shows. With your help, I can pay everyone involved in my projects, and choreograph dances that inspire and bring about change.

My goal is to pay everyone involved in Mayta Fusion Dance, because all artists should get paid!

For more info contact Anna Mayta, the director, at

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