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Meditations on Perihelion

Exploring the world of science through the world of sound

General Fundraising Effort for "Meditations on Perihelion"

What Your Support Does
Your generosity supports the creative development costs of the project and helps bring it to life.
  • Building full-dome video
  • Creating  music & audio production
  • Rehearsing 
How Your Support Works

  • A $25 donation will support
    • 1 hour of image transfer from the European Southern Observatory
    • 45 minutes of animation and full dome video build
    • 45 minutes of audio production
    • 45 minutes of rehearsal in the Planetarium
  • Monthly donations support hiring local artists and touring expenses

Choose your donation frequency

Choose your giving level
Choose your donation amount
  • $

Must be at least $10.00

Must be at least $25.00

Must be at least $50.00

Must be at least $100.00

Must be at least $500.00