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Modern Athena Monument

Sculpting Strength, Wisdom & Beauty in Marble

Let's Make Herstory Happen - Support Modern Athena

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To honor and celebrate women in art and the world at large, I am fundraising to carve a sculpture that captures the strength, wisdom, and beauty of the female figure at the same scale of Michelangelo’s David - Modern Athena

Why Athena
Athena is the only answer. She symbolizes strength, beauty, wisdom and most of all the arts. In researching Athena, I found parallels to my own upbringing and felt I had found the right combination of brains, beauty and athleticism. As a warrior, she refrains from conflict unless necessary and unlike many of the Greek gods is chaste. A woman with wide appeal, but she was not to be a copy of traditional Athena sculptures. She needed to be a Modern Athena.

Why Monumental
For sculpture, female nudity has been limited, except when they are shown in submission, lust or at a small scale. Monumental nudes of women have never had the chance to be interpreted as heroic symbols, until now. The impact of a woman carving such a large sculpture of a female warrior is meant to be inspirational. The Modern Athena sculpture is about not accepting prior limitations, not just for myself, but for everyone.

Why Marble
Structures and sculptures crafted from marble have withstood the trials of centuries. Marble is only found in select regions around the world, making it a limited resource. I respect the preciousness of marble and have a zero waste studio. All of my stone carving rubble is recycled into casting material.

What's Been Done So far
In 2022, I finished carving a 2,000 lb block into a 48 inch version of the Modern Athena and exhibited it for the Dante Alighieri Society. I am a proud recipient of 2021 grants from the Cliff Dwellers Arts Foundation $2,000 and the Illinois Arts Council Agency $3,225, support from the Chomicz Family Foundation and the Dante Alighieri Society of Charleston in addition to over $20,000 in private donations. Watch the short documentaries “Lifted” by Motion Filmworks and "Herstory." In 2023, I published a book Hammer & Stone that uses original photography and poetry to demonstrate techniques for carving marble. I keep my audience engaged on social media IG FB & regularly release YouTube videos on sculpture techniques. Learn more at

My fundraising goal is $400,000
Your tax-deductible contribution will help me obtain the marble for the 17 foot version, execute the carving over a 2/3 year period, afford exhibitions, and develop a documentary film to increase awareness of this important art form.

Small Scale Modern Athena

Jyl Bonaguro at work carving

Jyl Bonaguro with small scale Modern Athena by Joseph Kayne Photography

Hammer & Stone by Jyl Bonaguro

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