Niusha Karkehabadi is a Persian American multi-disciplinary performance artist, dancer, creator, author, poet, and pleasure activist. Their projects intend to advocate for the seen and unseen parts of intimacy. An example of how it might look for a person to accept how they feel about their feelings. Niusha has experience teaching yoga and fitness classes from toddlers to those in assisted living homes and detention centers. She holds certifications in yoga, Ayurveda, Body Temple Dance, Reiki, and personal training through NASM. Niusha is the author of erotic (in the sense of vulnerability and sensuality) hybrid poetry book, Lick My Rainbow with back cover comment by Sidra Bell. My Rainbow is about uncovering feelings we did not know existed, and then, celebrating the pain, pleasure, and confusion we may experience that comes from the discovery of ourselves. Their performance art exemplifies liberation represented through sensation as a means to allow our range of emotions to exist as they come. Through embodiment Sensation Workshops, Niusha offers the space to shift how the individual, and therefore, collective permits us to exist safely as ourselves. “How can we liberate the oppression of our bodies and minds in space through play, through pleasure, and through all the colors that fear, anger, joy, and love exist within?”
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