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Orlando Traveling Memorial

Orlando Traveling Memorial.... Respond with patience, love, & kindness... & by just being present.

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The Orlando Traveling Memorial...a 25 foot memorial mural, funded through donations like yours, traveling the country to "Remember the 49 and those left Behind". It starts with our volunteers, "the living part of the Memorial"; demonstrating support, compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. 

OTM 25 x 7 low res memorial for attachments.png 1.2 MB

On June 12, 2016, the largest single massacre in Florida History occurred in Orlando, at the Pulse Night Club. Three sad events occurred within one week. Singer Christina Grimmie was killed, 49 Angels from Pulse nightclub gone, and 2-year old child Lane Graves killed by alligator at Disney. All remembered within the memorial.

Much like the 9/11 World Trade Towers terrorist attack, our hearts were broken in Orlando, Florida, and the United States of America.

Our Motto: "From Adversity... Springs Seeds of Greatness".

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Over 1000 people have been involved in participating with the artwork. Action brings healing through Art and Faith coming together in times of Tragedy.

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Family members and loved ones painted the portraits of their own loved ones who passed (a paint by numbers style). They are part of the artwork in the memorial.

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Our, “I am a Handprint” of helpers in the Pulse aftermath, continues. We collected 100’s of handprints of Police, First Responders, Medical Personnel, Officials, Local citizens and groups who aided, to be part of the Memorial.

OTM at OPD, Franky Velazquez, .png 1.05 MB

OTM at FM with OPD Chief Mina.png 1.92 MB

Cities, museums, churches, and groups are welcome to donate and sponsor the OTM Memorial to bring it to their communities to remember to act with love. Art and Faith for action in how we respond in times of tragedy and hardship.

This is a special journey.

Come join something greater than yourself… and Bigger than all it’s parts.

We welcome your support of Orlando Traveling Memorial as we raise funds to keep this vision a reality.

To sign up for updates or as a volunteer, please visit this link:

Visit us on Facebook. Orlando Traveling Memorial Public Page.

Thank you kindly.
Founder Colleen Ardaman

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