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Out by 10

Stories & Music : Big Talent in a Small Space


OUT BY 10 Stories & Music
Big Talent in a Small Space

Imagine the best of The Moth meets Sofar Sounds. That’s Out by 10.

In this monthly performance series, founded in 2014, we present the best multimedia storytellers and musicians in an intimate, artistically-nurturing gathering place -- a living-room-like setting -- where the artists share their insights about life (in spoken words, music, video, theatrical performance) and connect with story-loving audiences.

Here’s what sets Out by 10 apart: producer Susan Seliger searches everywhere -- from Carnegie Hall and clubs to street corners and subway platforms -- for the best storytellers and musicians whose words and music connect us -- help us make sense of what it is to be human.

The artists and the audience are brought together in an intimate, human-sized space because human connections happen best in a human-sized space.

The performers don't have to compete for the audience’s attention with clanking glasses and chatter typical in clubs; and the audience can focus deeply. Who knows – audience members may even be inspired to share their own stories in words and music at the open mic afterwards.

Out by 10 is in one venue in NYC now. But I hope this model can serve as a template that could be duplicated in small theaters across the country.

All that and still be Out by 10 P.M. and home in time for a good night’s sleep.

I believe that sharing stories is in our DNA. Humans have shared their stories --about who they are, what they do each day, what it means to be human -- in words, pictures and music since the beginning of recorded history. I also believe that everyone has a story to tell, if exposed to the right conditions.

But DNA is not destiny.

Just because this storytelling impulse is in our genes, does not necessarily mean it will be “expressed.” You need the right environmental conditions to activate that innate potential.

Here’s where Out by 10 comes in.

Those “right conditions” involve hearing others tell their stories, publicly, in a nurturing environment. It’s an intimate space where artists feel free to express themselves, and audience members are able to listen intently in a way most likely to stimulate receptivity and creativity.

Those are the conditions that Out by 10 aims to create – presenting the best examples of multimedia storytelling in an environment that will spark passion, learning and understanding.

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