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Power Mapping for Black Migrants

Black Migrant Power Mapping: Designing our liberatory Black Futures


Understanding and serving the diverse needs of Black African, Caribbean, and Latin American migrant communities is the first step to building strong, inclusive, and resilient organizations to provide holistic, life-affirming social services. Africa is Everywhere is a social praxis initiative organized to meet the urgent needs of African service organizations, immigrant rights organizations, public officials, researchers and cultural workers looking to welcome and weave continental and diasporic African migrant communities into their social fabrics by using critical design principles and cultural work to expand the capacities of advocates and realign community development to be committed from below. Our Black Power mapping project will consist of creating critically designed Africa futurist centered platform to assist with asylum seeker movement. We also plan to host monthly working sessions, lectures- with cultural workers, and organizers into the next year organizing African service organizations in New York and nationally to address the population of African migrants that will be traveling through the country to look for case management and permanent residence. We will have organizations contribute a resource map that we in New York can rely on to call as we have more asylum seekers share that they are going to leave New York.

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