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Raison D'être Dance Project

Fostering collaborations between musicians & dancers to create avant- garde ideas in performance.


The project goal is to educate, empower, and heal audiences and artists through dance and music, universal languages that dissolve boundaries.  

For every project, members of RDE invest their whole mind and spirit in the pursuit of learning and sharing knowledge with the community through dance, music, and art. Works born of multiple collaborations provide access to the shared emotions of live performance, creating a connection between the past and the present and building empathy in our community.

RDE members invest themselves in the pursuit of learning and shared knowledge through dance, music, and art. Contracted artists abide by standards of commitment, professionalism, and camaraderie. They will create something collectively, with respect to each others training, expertise, and resources that they contribute. RDE provides a platform to create collectively through music and movement, unleashing their own inner madness and providing companions through the journey of creation. For these artists, isolation is channeled through art, an outlet which rewards the product of a masterpiece.   

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