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Salt Breeze Learning

Salt Breeze Learning


Mission: Salt Breeze Learning has a mission to give opportunity to people of all ages to experience quality learning experiences, especially those that highlight Celtic culture, through public presentations and individual and small group learning opportunities that integrate history, music, dance, visual art and or story.

Vision: Salt Breeze Learning will create structured learning opportunities,  documentaries,  and public presentations,  that integrate the culture of the Celtic nations, with specific emphasis on history, music, story, and dance.

Salt Breeze Early Learning  is an educational project of Salt Breeze Learning. A newly state licensed quality child care program located in Pittsfield, ME, Salt Breeze Early Learning believes every child should have the opportunity to have a safe and enriching environment in which to learn and develop holistically. Salt Breeze Learning strives to bring together people and industry to create a strong network to support families and children.  The projects places emphasis on community building, education, the preservation of culture. Salt Breeze Early Learning offers Montessori and Waldorf inspired programming for ages 6-weeks to 12-years old in Pittsfield, Maine.  
Salt Breeze Early Learning is currently collaborating with Maine native, and internationally award winning composer Marianna Filippi to create 12 original Celtic themed children’s songs that foster early childhood development that can be used in the development of an original curriculum for early learners that integrates education about Celtic cultures and also aligns with the Maine Early Learning Standards. 
Celtic Cultures in Maine: Despite representing one of the largest percentages of the population in the United States that claims Irish and Scottish heritage, the people of Maine are generally unaware of the history and influence of their Celtic ancestors. This is significant, as heritage, tradition, and legacy help to build feelings of community, identity and belonging and understanding of different groups of people.  Identity is informed by an individual’s own context; culture, institutions, people, and experiences all help in the shaping of who a person becomes. When one learns about people, places and environments, one has an avenue for understanding the relationship that exists between humans and the physical world.