Origin Story
Approaching a street intersection in Phoenix, options for engaging the city appear to come at you all at once. Buildings, signs, asphalt and concrete, power lines, and streetlights collectively converge upon your senses before scattering quickly in your rearview mirrors. As you continue, you notice a recurring pattern: each intersection feels like a fleeting burst of excitement, followed by monotony, excitement, and then monotony, repeating every minute. What might go unnoticed, however, is the profound impact of this repetitive urban grid. Designed for convenience, it often prioritizes efficiency at the expense of individual, social, economic, and environmental health and vitality.
About Us
SAME CITY explores urban morphology and its socio-spatial implications on people and the planet. The research (re)introduces sameness as a contemporary field of study, at a time when the consequences of use and dependence on sameness are deeply needed. This initiative delivers data visualization and analysis to elevate public awareness of how sameness is presented in our daily lives. SAME CITY's important work maps and evaluates geospatial data to ask critical questions: What drives the emergence of urban sameness? How does it affect our lifestyle, health, community dynamics, and equity? And how does the understanding of sameness inform systems that promote cultural diversity, representation, and well-being?
SAME CITY project will achieve the following 3 key outcomes:
Inaugural Publication (2025):
The chapbook, DRIVE TO IT/THRU IT, analyzes the strategic placement of national chain suppliers within Phoenix, AZ, illustrating how sameness influences consumer choices. The publication maps and evaluates the historic and strategic dispersion frequency of national chain suppliers across the city’s built environment. It translates geospatial data into accessible essays, diagrams, and photographs, engaging diverse audiences. The publication is structured to stimulate alternate thinking about built environments and their impact on the community.
Seminar and Exhibition (2025):
The SAME CITY exhibition will transform a gallery space into an interactive cityscape using large-scale printing, sculptural installations, and digital media. By visualizing consumer behavior patterns and demographic trends, the exhibition will invite audiences to reflect on the historical and modern forces shaping urban sameness and inspire innovative, inclusive approaches to urban planning.