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Say Nothing Immigration Initiative

Whether it's the 1940s or now, society's choice is to say nothing or do something.

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The Say Nothing Immigration Initiative seeks the continuity of Italian Heritage in the United States by promoting reality inspired dramatizations through theater and film of the Italian experience in the United States. Inspired by true events the play Say Nothing tells the story of an Italian American family struggling from the  impact of World War Two when their home country is one of the Axis powers where Americans were being sent over to fight and die.  Like the  Civil War fracture within families, this conflict caused much stress  within the family and was intensified by  the Enemy Alien Status Act enacted on December 8, 1941, which interned thousands of Italians and Italian American citizens and restricted over a half million Italian Aliens in the USA at that time with curfews, restricted distance from their homes and prohibited possession of  a radio, camera or flashlight. The play addresses the clash of feelings of being patriotic against love for one’s heritage and one’s dreams, and the effects they have on family.  Your tax  deductible contribution for the Say Nothing Immigration Initiative will help  promote Italian American history in the United States  which may have been overlooked and encourage other storytellers to document their Italian American experience.  The play Say Nothing is a stage play adaptation by Jon Freda of the multi-awarded screenplay Say Nothing by Letty Serra & Jon Freda. 




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