This 30-minute documentary will be produced to honor the history and legacy of this female-empowered organization that has inspired countless girls in Seattle’s Chinatown-International District and surrounding communities. The stories they share will be compelling, heartwarming and inspiring. The combination of military style marching to drums and Chinese opera styled uniforms is what makes the Seattle Chinese Drill Team the only one of its kind in the country. The drill team is a non-profit organization for girls in 5th-12th grade and with practice on Saturdays from April through August. The organization focuses on values of education, community service, discipline, leadership and sisterhood. The drill team was started by Ruby Chow in 1952 and has been organized and funded by volunteers and alumni who have become role models to over 1500 women. The program is free for all participants.
Through the years the drill team has become an expression of community pride and tradition for Seattle. The drill team provides cultural enrichment, helping girls develop pride and an appreciation for their cultural heritage and the communities in which they live. Over the years, gentrification has impacted the enrollment as most Chinese families lived in Chinatown and South Seattle neighborhoods but now are spread to the outer suburbs. Sports and extracurricular activities are more accessible to girls now and weekend commitments are limited to overbooked schedules. Another shift to the drill team is the increasing number of Chinese American adoptees that are searching for a connection to their biological heritage.
Directed by Della Chen and Co-produced by Amy Benson.
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