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"Stages" Short Film

Does a more perfect union come from our more perfect selves?


The film will center around a classic topic, love. Specifically love at first sight. 

While attending a renaissance themed horror drag ball in a theater, two people spot each other from a distance. They see a uniqueness other guests do not have. When the characters meet and touch, the other guests disappear, the room changes from night to day, and the decorations are brighter and more colorful. The two characters have embodied their new world. Their drag outfits and make up are gone, leaving behind more "beautiful" versions of themselves.

The two embrace the new environment, themselves, and each other. There is someone lurking that does not approve of this union. In the shadows there is a "Pan" character that impedes the romance in magical ways. Each time they are separated they are brought back to the darker world and must seek each other out to return.

After separating and reuniting several times, the couple's bright world fades around them even as they touch. Their make-up returns with new style influenced by the other. They move away from each other, back into the ongoing party with new appreciation for their darker world and selves.

Using renaissance themed design, a theater stage, and Shakespearean elements, such as a Pan character, the film will draw on our classic view of love. Incorporating dark drag make-up will allow us to explore what the characters see as beautiful and how sometimes we lose ourselves in new relationships. It will also allow us to view this topic more universally by playing with the construct of gender.

The film will present at accepted film festivals. There is also the opportunity to present the film at The Cowles Center for Dance and Performing arts, of which I am house staff (head of video).