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Survivors Inspiring Sisters Through Art & Advocacy for Health (SISTAAH)

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MISSION í¢ï¿½ï¿½ The mission of Survivors Inspiring Sisters Through Art & Advocacy for Health (SISTAAH) is to inform and educate the community with visual art as a medium to increase awareness of the benefits of early detection of breast cancer. Improvement of survival rates is crucial for African-American women -- a population which suffers a disproportionately high rate of mortality despite being diagnosed less often than women in other ethnic groups. Art with a purpose can be experienced by connecting the community to breast health resource information in tandem with SISTAAHí¢ï¿½ï¿½s innovative, non-threatening methodology í¢ï¿½ï¿½ discussion/visual art exhibition.

SISTAAH encourages and facilitates individual and collective engagement in advocacy activities on local, state and national levels to influence social and public policy to promote the improvement of quality in medical care in underserved populations, and to effect an increase in psychosocial services for breast cancer survivors.

VISION í¢ï¿½ï¿½ Through breast health education, and referrals for resources to provide screening, detection of breast cancer in women in underí‚ ¬served communities will possibly occur at an early stage, increasing the potential for successful treatment and long term survivorship.

VALUES í¢ï¿½ï¿½ SISTAAH collaborates with community-based organizations to provide resource information and inspirational messages toward the assurance that no woman should experience breast cancer alone. Further, SISTAAH provides education on the importance of lifestyle practices including stress reduction, nutrition and physical fitness for breast cancer survivors as well as the general public to encourage greater wellness within the community as a whole.