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In a time when errors in judgement and accusations can be fatal to one’s reputation, Swiftboat is a probing look into the consequences of public condemnation without all the facts, the greater implications for society, and how we might move forward with healing. is

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The goal of our film is to change the way things are unfolding. We hope to benefit the public by advocating fairness and equality and to encourage not jumping to conclusions when an accusation or criticism is disseminated. Through the film, we wish to promote the need for lines of questioning and thorough, fair investigations. Furthermore, we aim to plant the seed that says people are allowed to make mistakes and to learn in life. The movement to evolve beyond instant public condemnation is happening and we want Swiftboat to contribute to that. On a more micro level, we hope the documentary can help its characters in their lives as they set the records straight. Through the characters’ journeys, historical context explorations, and examinations of modern society as a whole, we hope to inspire change for the better so that nobody should have to fear wearing a scarlet letter for the rest of their life.