Our mission is to shoot and release a pilot episode for 'The Manor', a high-concept, hour-long serialized television show. The pilot will introduce the story of a Manhattan family, uprooting their lives to embrace a fresh start in a small, Upstate New York town after a personal tragedy. A town where they soon discover an extraterrestrial threat lurking in the shadows. Guided by the bonds they form within their newfound community, our eclectic cast of characters set out to thwart the looming alien force that threatens to engulf their idyllic haven.
Through the making of a pilot episode, we seek to offer a sneak peak into everything The Manor series has to offer at the highest degree, from its somber tone, dazzling visuals, and authentic, nuanced characters, in the hopes that our work can be used in pitching and festivals to help find a home for a full season of the show following the pilot’s release.
We believe in our story, our vision, and our ability to deliver an amazing story to the world, but our means are limited. In order to bring the show to life, we need your help funding our production. Our small team of young filmmakers comprise of a powerhouse of recent graduates from top film schools in the country, who have collectively been writing and developing this story for the past five years. Writer/Director, Woulfe Bova, is a graduate of NYU’s prestigious Tisch school of the arts with a BFA in Film and Television production. He has directed and produced numerous internationally-recognized award winning short films and music videos, and has production experience on multiple documentary and feature sets. While our team intends to work volunteer, it is no small feat to acquire the appropriate financial resources to hire professional actors, rent equipment, locations, build sets and props, acquire permits and insurance, pay third party visual effects artists and fill other post-production positions — all necessary aspects that cannot be happen without your generous contributions.
Learn More: https://www.themanorseries.com