Our mission is simple but powerful: to promote equitable initiatives that expand opportunities for membership and participation for all members of the community to be leaders and change-makers. We are committed to creating leadership pathways built into all our programs to honor the lived experiences of those we serve and to be led by them.
Our journey began informally in 2019 with a calendar fundraiser that featured and benefited the residents of the Medford Housing Authority, where 66% of residents identify as Haitian Creole. Thanks to the incredible support of MHA residents and staff, we have been able to create three transformative programs: "Moments in Medford" Calendars, Artepreneurs Youth, and JustFlix. We are eager to extend their impact to other communities as well.
Recognizing, reinforcing, and celebrating the healthy, thriving, and diverse community where we live is our goal. Our "Moments in Medford" calendars share snapshots of our emergence from the pandemic and of fresh beginnings among neighbors that interweave our lives. Community is made together; it is built by incredible individuals who work toward connecting humanity and celebrating the uniqueness and potential of each of its members. Take a Moment in Medford by...
...supporting your neighbors and local businesses.
...sharing in your neighbor's joy.
...embracing each other's uniqueness and individuality.
...celebrating the sum of all our different parts.
Help BUILD that community by making a donation to the Medford Community Calendar Project where our proceeds go to:
Supporting Medford Housing Authority (MHA) residents no matter their age, background, ability or financial means.
Supporting Arteprenuers Youth and JustFlix, our MHA youth programs, that encourage self-expression and instills self confidence.
Acknowledging, recognizing, and celebrating the extraordinary “unseen” and “unheard” members of the community.
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Medford Arts Council, a local commission that is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the City of Medford.