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THE S.E.L. ART PROJECT - helping special needs/neurodivergent students

The SEL(Social Emotional Learning) Art Project: Art + SEL+ Education=Joy for Neurodivergent students

The SEL Art Project's Fundraising Page

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Lisa Black-Cohen, for over a decade, has been actively involved in special needs issues which led her to found The SEL ( Social Emotional Learning)  Art Project. Why Special Needs and Art you may wonder? Black-Cohen is currently pursuing her thesis at the prestigious Sotheby's Institute of Art. As a current teacher in a blended educational environment, she has exposed her students to the art world with remarkable results in nurturing their social skills, which supports Casel's five core behaviors for emotional intelligence: Self-awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills and Responsible Decision Making.
Artist involved in this pilot project include, Derrick Adams, whose practice celebrates black life and culture; Claes Oldenburg, whose public art installations, and soft sculptures, features replicas of everyday objects; and Roy Lichtenstein whose influence was rooted in popular advertising and comic book genre.